(11) Fantasy Meets Reality

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Sometime Later...

Elizabeth's Pov

"Elizabeth we're home! Come help carry these boxes inside!" When I heard my mother yelling, I slowly stirred from my sleep. It took me a few minutes to fully wake up although as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, I noticed something brushing against my face. Looking down at my wrist I took in the blue bracelet that was wrapped around it. I stared at it for several moments as I tried to come up with an explanation for how this was possible. "It's still here? What the hell?" This bracelet was the same as my dream but it was impossible. It should have disappeared once I woke up.

"It's the exact same... What's going on?" I wanted to have more time to think but it would need to wait since my mother's voice soon filled the room and she didn't sound happy. "Elizabeth, I asked you to come help carry the boxes inside! Don't make me ask again!" Once I took care of this stupid task, I'd figure out what was going on. "I'm coming!" Walking out of the living room I nearly tripped over a box that was left carelessly placed on the floor. However, that wasn't the only one in the kitchen. There had to be at least ten and my parents were still bringing them inside.

Since my mother gave me this dirty look I decided to go outside and help them out. "Hey, Pumpkin. You don't need to help but feel free to take a box and go through it. Put anything interesting off to the side" I hadn't even got halfway across the kitchen but stopped when I was told help wasn't necessary. Going back to the living room did cross my mind although I wanted to know what the deal was with all the boxes. "What is all this?" I expected my father to say something but no it was my mother who gave a short explanation.

"It's research about this house. There's a history here, and we'll use it in our books. Take a box but keep the noise to a minimum. I need quiet to work" The gears were slowly turning and as I looked over to the boxes one stood out to me. "Trafalgar, case 19523-A" I had spoken under my breath but my mother had still managed to hear me. "That family lost two children in 1903. No one could figure out what happened and there was no evidence either had left the house that day. All doors were still locked from the inside and local law enforcement had to break down the doors. It's a real mystery with no conclusion. Just the thing we needed"

"Are there any other boxes on this case?" Even in the sea of boxes, my mother had already started to scan over them. "That box in front of you is all about the eldest Trafalgar son but... ah over there! That box covers everything known about the youngest Trafalgar daughter. The eldest was never named although their daughter was named Lami" I thought over my opinions however knew if I didn't satisfy my curiosity, I'd be up all night. "I'm going to take these two boxes... Mother?"

I could only carry one box at a time although had already set one by the stairs as I waited for my mother to reply. "Yes, Elizabeth?" It didn't need to be asked but I couldn't help myself. "Are all these boxes different cases surrounding this house?" There were so many and it scared me a little bit. "Every last one of them. Like I said this house has a history" Our old neighborhood wasn't exactly the safest although it didn't have boxes of files surrounding it. "Just what kind of history?" My mother hadn't even looked up from the file in front of her and as she spoke my heart dropped into my stomach.

"It dates back further than 1903 but each family to stay in this house has lost a child. The previous owner of this house had claimed the house stole her little sister and vowed to never allow another family to go through the same pain she did. However, the old bat sold the place! I'm sure it would have been fine to bring you along but this made things easier for us" She couldn't have been serious. I was technically an adult although they still saw me as a child that they, no she. My mother made all the decisions in the family so it was her who was fine with risking my life. "Have you lost your mind, mother?"

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