Chapter 9: The Hero's Reunion! Their Names are Fire Fist Ace and [Y/N] [L/N]

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"You and your partner have got some nerve, eating in a public place like this, even for a division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates," the voice said. "Hello, Portgas D. Ace, and [Y/N] [L/N]."

[Y/N] turned around, and their eyes widened slightly. Nozomu awoke, hearing a different voice. The voice sounded threatening.

"Mmm." Nozomu growled lightly, climbing out of [Y/N]'s lap and crawled up to their shoulder. There, in the opening of the restaurant, was Marine Captain Smoker. The owner's eyes widened in shock and fear, looking at Ace.

"Huh? No way! Not the Whitebeard Pirates!" The owner shouted. Everyone in the restaurant stared at Ace and [Y/N] in shock.

"I knew I recognized that mark!" A villager said.

"What's the second division commander doing here? And whose that person with him, I've never seen them before, nor that animal either!" Another said. [Y/N] tensed. They knew that Smoker was strong, and that he had eaten the Plume-Plume Fruit, a fruit that allowed Smoker to turn his body into smoke. [Y/N] glanced at Nozomu.

"Don't attack unless I tell you." They whispered.

"Mew." Nozomu chirped lightly and nodded. [Y/N] knew that if Smoker were to attack, [Y/N] and Nozomu's powers would do nothing against him. Ace smiled calmly and placed his hand on top of [Y/N]'s, silently telling them to calm down and to trust him.

"I'm curious, what's a big shot pirate, a mysterious person with mysterious powers and a mysterious pet doing in this country?" Smoker asked. [Y/N] gasped silently. There was no way that Smoker should have any idea about [Y/N]'s powers, or Nozomu for that matter! As far as the world knew, [Y/N] had eaten a Devil Fruit, just like Luffy, Ace, and Smoker. Ace was still as calm as ever. He squeezed [Y/N]'s hand in reassurance. Ace set down the tea he had been helping himself to.

"My partner and I are looking for someone," Ace said, his back turned towards Smoker. He let go of [Y/N]'s hand, spinning around on the stool. His hat shielded his face for a moment, before looking up at Smoker and . "My little brother." Ace said. 


You stared uncertainly at Smoker. Knowing that Smoker was a Marine and he would do almost anything to arrest a pirate, especially someone from Whitebeard's Crew. Nozomu sat tensely on your shoulder, ready to move at your command. Ace kept smirking at Smoker.

"So, what do you want from me now, Captain? And what do you want with my partner and their companion?" He asked. Nozomu's tail twitched in aggravation.

"I'd just like the three of you to come with me quietly." He said. You narrowed your eyes and moved your hand out to the side slightly, willing the water from Ace's left out tea to gather at your finger tips. Even if your powers would do nothing against Smoker, you wouldn't go down without a fight. Nozomu growled at Smoker. She clearly thought the same thing you did. Ace chuckled.

"No thanks. I think we'll pass." Ace said. You glanced at Ace in slight shock. Back home, watching the anime, you wouldn't be so shocked by Ace's answer. But being in Alabasta, with Ace, in front of the Marine Captain Smoker, it all hit a little differently. Smoker's emotionless expression never changed. Ace glanced at you and smiled, winking a little bit. The wink told you to trust him. You sighed and relaxed your hand, the water droplets fading. You still had your hand tensed, just in case.

"Yeah. Figured you'd say that." Smoker said. Smoker then sighed. "I'm here in Alabasta trying to hunt down another pirate at the moment. To be honest, I have no real interest in capturing you or your partner right now." Smoker said. You at Smoker.

"Then just look the other way. It's not that hard." You said. Nozomu hissed in agreement. Ace chuckled lightly at your new found confidence. Smoker narrowed his eyes at you and Nozomu.

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