Chapter 18

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"Look, if Rafe and Barry know, it's only a matter of time," Kiara says. We all sat in a grassy area just off the side of the marsh.

"Before everyone knows." Pope finishes.

JJ scoffs. "I told you. We should've just gone south, man."

"Just stop it." John B speaks up.

"Why does no one ever listen?" JJ continues.

"I get it. I get it. I understand."

"I have an idea." Sarah pipes up. "With me back, my dad is gonna have to choose between me and Rafe.

Silence fills the air as we all look at her.

"Sarah, Sarah." John B tries to cut her off.

"He's gonna choose me."

"Just please listen. Ward keeps lying to you, Sarah."

"He won't agree after all that's happened." Kie adds.

"No. I... I know it sounds crazy." Sarah tries to convince us.

"Yeah, it does!" Kie interrupts.

"Okay, let her explain!" I snap. "You guys haven't even let her get a word in. Maybe she knows what she's talking about."

"Thank you." Sarah says to me. She looks as if she's about to cry when she speaks up again. "Look, I know it's crazy, but he's my dad. And I know him, and I know he loves me. I'm just asking for two hours."

JJ throws his hands on the air dramatically. Everyone else just looks at her in silence. Nobody had the heart to tell her no. Sarah nods in defeat, standing slowly. She walks away from us.

"John B..." I say, looking over at him. "Let her try. What other option do we have?"

John B turns to look at Sarah. "Sarah." John B catches her attention, walking after her.

There voices go quiet as they begin to whisper amongst themselves.

JJ turns to look at me. "Even though that was absolutely insane, that was really cool of you."

"I figured I should stop hurting people today." I say honestly.


"I can't even tell you how sorry I am, J. I just keep messing up, and hurting you and I hate myself for it. I didn't mean anything I said about wanting to leave you."

"I know, Kat."

"I'm so sorry, JJ."

"I know, baby. It's okay."

"No it's not." I look at the ground.

JJ reaches out to cup my face, rubbing his thumb along my cheekbone. "Baby. Look at me." I glance up at him. "Things have been hard for all of us. I know it probably hit you the hardest. You did the best you could." I shake my head at him. "Kat, I forgive you, okay? So you just have to forgive yourself."


"But you have to promise me one thing." JJ tells me. I nod at him, telling him to continue. "Limit the drinking, alright?"

"Yeah, absolutely."

"Come here." JJ pulls me against him. He wraps his arms around my shoulders, pulling me close. I could feel tears rise in my eyes. "It's okay, baby. It's okay."

John B makes his way back over just as JJ releases me. He keeps a hand on the small of my back.

"All good?" JJ asks my brother.

"Yeah, she's headed out." John B tells us.


Sarah finally comes back around an hour later. She pulls the boat up to shore. The girl gives us a small smile.

"Sarah!" Kie calls out.

"You made it!" JJ states.

I notice Sarah looks sad as she climbs out of the boat. I walk up to her, grabbing her upper arm.

"Are you okay?" I ask her.

"They were right. It didn't work." Sarah explains.

"I don't care if they were right or not. I wanna know if you're okay."

"I just feel like I should've known better." She talks me.

"We all have moments like that, okay?" Sarah nods.

"Welp, then that settles it, guys" JJ speaks up. "Now, y'all need to load up the paddy wagon and get the heck out of Dodge right now."

"Right, you'll need supplies, and you'll have to split as soon as possible." Pope agrees.

"Guys, I think it's too late." Kie says as she looks out into the water.

Sirens then erupts from behind us, causing us all to look at what she had been watching. Several police boats were heading right toward where we were all standing.

"They followed you here?" John B questions. "Must've been your father."

"We're gonna have to find another way out."

"Stay on the beach, with your hands in the air!" A police man call out on a megaphone.

"Go!" Pope yells at us. "Go, now!"

"Come on, come on!"

We all take off running down the beach, away from the swarm of police officers that were chasing after us. I look back at the large squad, a gasp escapes my lips.

"They have guns!" I say fearfully.

"It's okay, baby. Keep going!" JJ says grabbing my hand as we run.

High Tide // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now