Chapter 25

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The next morning I'm woken up by JJ shaking me awake. I groan, rolling over, away from the boy.

"Baby, I promise you, you're not gonna wanna miss the surprise we have for you outside."

I sigh, rolling out of bed. I knew all the other Pogues had been awake for hours, but I was exhausted after yesterday.

JJ grabs my hand. "Close your eyes."

I look at him confused. "What the hell is going on?"

"Come on, trust me." JJ smiles down at me.

"Okay, I'm trusting you, J." I close my eyes, allowing him to lead me outside.

"Ready, Kat?" Pope asks. I could hear the excitement in his voice.

"Okay, open!" JJ beamed.

I open my eyes. A small smile finds its way across my features as I look at the familiar vehicle in front of me. "You guys found the Twinkie?"

"Yeah." Kie nods, smiling at me.

"How did you find it?" I ask, looking at JJ.

My gaze shifts back to the van when I hear the door slide open. "I believe the real question is, how did I find it?" My brother steps out of the van, a broad smile on his feature.

"What!" I exclaim excitedly. "How the fuck? Get over here!" John B laughs excitedly, jogging over to me. I throw my arms around him as soon as he's close enough. His grip tightens around me, pulling me tight against him. "Don't you ever scare me like that again." I smack his chest.


"I thought you were gonna die! Again!" I yell.

"Hey, I knew your boy over here wouldn't let me die in there."

"Oh my god, John B. You have know idea." I say, thanking about the day JJ and I had previously. "Wait, how are you out?"

"They're dropped the charges." John B says.

"Just like that?" I question.

"Yeah, babe. We did all that work for nothing." JJ states, irritated.

"Oh, dear god." I shake my head.

"Hey, wait. Where's Sarah?" John B asks. He panics when none of us answer. "No, no, no. Where's— where's Sarah?"

"She went to go meet Wheezie last night." Kie finally answers. "She didn't come back."


The five of us sat in the Pogue. John B leans against the windshield frame. Pope and JJ in the two seats. I was on JJ's lap. Kiara stood between the two boys.

"So Sarah just dipped and didn't call?" John B questions, confused.

"Yeah, man." Pope answers. "She just left her bag. Didn't tell anybody.

"Okay, dude. I— I really think Ward got to her. I mean the dude tried to have me killed in jail."

"Woah, what?" I demand.

"Yeah." John B says simply.

"No, no, no. This isn't a topic we're just brushing over. What the hell happened?" I tell him.

"He sent somebody to the prison who yoked me up and almost killed me."

"You serious?" Kie asks.


"Do we know who this dude was?" JJ asks.

"No," John B responds. "No idea. Dude I swear to god one day I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch." John B finally sits down on the boat with the rest of us.

"It's okay." Kiara tries.

"No, Kie. It's not okay. We gotta find Sarah."

"No, literally it's okay. She's right there." Kie points behind the rest of us.

We all turn around to find Topper's boat. Sarah was sat in the passenger seat as Topper drove the boat, standing up. Something looked off about the whole situation. Sarah seemed very on edge, as did Topper.

Sarah stand immediately, noticing her boyfriend on our boat. "John B?"

"What the hell is she doing with Topper?" Kie demands.

"I don't know," I speak up. "Something seems off with them though."

"Oh my god, he's out." Sarah runs over to us, a wide smile on her face. She steps into our boat, throwing her arms around JB. "Hi."

"Oh my god. I'm so glad you're okay." John B speaks into her shoulder as they embrace.

"I didn't know if I'd see you again." Sarah responds honestly. She pulls away, looking up at him. "What happened?

"Uh, they dropped all the charges."


"Yeah, no. I'm a free man. Yeah." John B shrugs.

"That's amazing." Sarah exclaims, hugging the boy again.

"I know. It's great, but... But listen, Sarah, they're coming after Rafe."

"Good." Sarah states without hesitation. "He's completely unhinged. He jumped me last night."

"I'm sorry, he did what?" I ask.

"That's why I didn't come back." Sarah explains.

Topper finally speaks up from where he stood on his own boat. "Yeah, man. Rafe has lost his mind. Literally almost drowned his own sister. Thankfully, I got there... got there just in time."

"Yeah, he did."

"Uh, well," John B hesitates. "I guess I owe you one, Topper, don't I?"

Topper scoffs before speaking. "It's all good. I mean, somebody had to rescue your girlfriend, right?"

JJ covers my mouth as I start giggling at what Topper said.

"Uh, that's funny because she's not actually my girlfriend, right?" John B looks over at Sarah.

"Uhh," Topper chuckles confused. "What is she then?"

"This is gonna be good." I whisper. JJ just shakes his head next to me, watching my amusement.

"Tell him." John B tells Sarah.

Sarah hesitates, looking around. "I'm- I'm with him." She confirms.

" Dear god." I mumble. "This is painful to watch."

"Gotcha, you're with him. Okay, yeah. I just like, needed a little clarity there. You guys clear in that?" The blonde looks over at the rest of us from his boat.

"I think its clear you gotta go now." JJ states, scratching his temple.

"Think I'll head out, it's about that time." Topper announces like JJ hadn't just told him to do so.

"Topper." Sarah stops the boy. "Thank you." She goes over and pulls the boy down into a hug.

"Yeah, if course. I'm just glad you're okay." Topper says staring down my brother.

"Okay, Top. Let go of her and hop along to the rest of your psycho crew. I think we're done here." I speak up.

Topper releases Sarah, looking at me. "You say that, but you were laughing at everything I said."

"I just think it's pathetic how you still pine over her after she left you for a Pogue. Kinda embarrassing, really. Maybe that's why I was laughing."

"I'm gonna go now." Topper says starting his boat.

"Yeah you are." I confirm. "Bye, Kook."

"That's my girl." JJ laughs next to me, putting an arm around my shoulders.

High Tide // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now