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Chapter Fourteen: Respite

respite: a short period of relief; a temporary delay


The moment the two young men stepped out the truck they were whipped by the cold wind. They rushed into the store, thankful once the door shut and warmth enveloped their shivering bodies. The powerful scent of rubber made Baekhyun want to gag but he needed a new bike and the store was having a sale.

Joonmyun chuckled as he patted Baekhyun's hair down, "Your roots are starting to show."

"Well, I haven't had time..." Baekhyun said, his voice trailing off as something caught his eye. He scurried across the store to the light gray bike, his heart thumping in excitement. The bicycle was beautiful in its simplicity.

"These bikes aren't on sale," Joonmyun note, but his words had no affect on the younger male. "You should browse the bikes on sale first, Baekhyun. That was the whole reason we drove all the way here in this freezing weather."

Baekhyun shook his head with a wide grin, gently stroking the bike handles, "Nope. I made up my mind. I want this one."

"I dragged myself out of bed to go bike shopping because you said they were on sale."

Glowering, Baekhyu made the effort to go around the store browsing the bikes that were on sale. None of them called out to him and in the end, he returned to the gray bike and a purchase was made.

The bike was gently placed in the trunk of Joonmyun's truck. As the two entered the vehicle, Joonmyun eyed his friend, "Was that the money you earned from the Well?"

"Every cent that I earned since middle school. It pays to help people," Baekhyun smiled, reaching for his wallet. "Which reminds me, here's your payment for helping me out. Don't drink and drive."

He overpaid and he knows it.

"You know what, you're not even legally allowed to drink yet. Go buy some milk or juice... or coffee. Now hurry up, my baby's freezing in the back."

Joonmyun scoffed before starting the engine and turning up the heater. He didn't even remember how the two became friends. Ah, that's right — mutual relations.

Stopped at an intersection, Joonmyun sighed as he fidgeted with his hands to keep them from cramping. "Did you talk to her?"

"Yeah, that's why I need you for just a little bit longer," Baekhyun blinked innocently at his friend. "We'll drop off my bike first."

I knew he wanted something else.

"You know, I won't always be around to drive you around like this."

Baekhyun didn't want to think about it, but Joonmyun's words rang true. In a couple of months, Joonmyun would be moving closer to the college he planned to attend. "It's an excuse to spend time with you, shut up."Joonmyun laughed, genuinely fond of Baekhyun's way of expressing his emotions.


Yoonmi went to the set location early to reserve a table. She dreaded the moment Jongdae walked through the door, yet she also knew she would regret it if he never showed. As she waited, two familiar people walked in and took their seats across the room. Her heart picked up speed and she felt nauseated. Her waitress set a warm cup of coffee down before her, the steam rising and the scent of the hazelnut filling Yoonmi's nostrils. The aroma of the cafe slightly soothed her mind and kept her distracted. Until he entered. Then their eyes met.

She waved him over with a smile, as if what she was about to tell him wasn't going to shatter either of their hearts. When Jongdae took his seat the waitress returned and took his order. Yoonmi sat in silence until a minute after the waitress left. Yoonmi traced the outer rim of her cup, eyes focused on the rich chocolate brown liquid. Moistening her lips, she began, "I know who it was... the one who sent the text message about you."

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