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Chapter Seven: Broken

broken: having given up all hope; despairing; disrupted or divided; fractured or damaged and no longer in one piece


They found Baekhyun's pen and Baekbeom's watch and Jongdeok's necklace. It was only a matter of time.

Shit, shit shit.

Joonmyun was so frightened when he had received a phone call from Prosecutor Do that one Sunday evening asking to verify if he and Baekhyun were indeed studying at the Byun residence. He couldn't blame Baekhyun for mentioning him, after all, he had requested Baekhyun to be an alibi for him so he could go to the stupid party. Before he left Baekhyun home alone to study, the two had discussed their plans -- hell, they discussed it at lunch before taking action.

It wasn't like anyone was going to rat him out. Everyone who attended the party on the 25th of July knew they were taking risks. They knew if one was caught, surely the others would too. That's why when Baekbeom was called in and became a suspect of the Yoonkyu Fire, Joonmyun began to worry. Everyone knew Baekbeom was clever, but if he slipped up, their problems would only worsen.

Damn it, why did I let myself get dragged into this?

Baekhyun waved his hand across Joonmyun's face, "Hello? Are you paralyzed?"

The third year blinked rapidly and slapped the second year's hand away, "What is it, Baekhyun?"

"I need your help before my test date arrives," Baekhyun sighed in despair. With a hopeful glance, the young raven-haired boy smiled at his smart friend, "Can you possibly tutor me one of these nights?"

"When is the test?" Joonmyun instantly inquired.

"It's this Friday."

"Shit, Baekhyun. You know I'm busy. I need to know ahead of time."

"But you do," Baekhyun insisted. "There's tonight, Wednesday and Thursday night."

"I'm tutoring people whose parents actually pay me."

"Well, when are you available?" Baekhyun sighed, realizing if Joonmyun was unable to help him he was going to fail yet another test.

Sensing the distress in his friend's voice, Joonmyun sighed and shut his eyes as he thought about his schedule. "You can either join me and my students at the tutoring center after school until 19:00 or have a private study session at my house around 19:30 for about an hour or two."

Damn it. I don't want people to know I need help in my studies.

Joonmyun sighed again, "What am I saying? We'll do it my place, loser."

"Thanks, buddy," Baekhyun said. "How much will that cost?"

"A bottle of liquor."

Baekhyun blinked, waiting for a real answer. When he received none, he gave a slow nod, "How about I just pay you ten thousand won?"

"Tonight's not good, so tomorrow or Thursday night?"

"Whichever's more convenient for you."

"Baekhyun, just pick a fucking night."

Geesh, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

"Tomorrow night then," Baekhyun replied. Joonmyun nodded and got up, tossing his unfinished lunch in the trash before heading to the restroom. Baekhyun glanced several tables over to where Jongdae and Yoonmi were seated. A pout formed on his lips at the two's bright smiles and laughter. He squirmed in his seat and glanced at his wrist watch, always pausing before checking the time.

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