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Chapter Two: Attachment

attachment: a bond; fond regard


"When does the deal terminate?"

"Whenever you call it quits... or until I can't handle it anymore. You want me to hang out with you outside of school, correct?" Baekhyun glanced up at the brunet for clarification. "That means more payment." After pondering if it was worth it, Jongdae nodded. He had plenty of money; his mother was an author and his father was a defense attorney. He calculated the expenses and figured he was safe.

"10,000 won an hour," Baekhyun stated in finality. "I won't include time spent together in class because that's unfair to you. I will take care of the time, unless you don't trust me then feel free to calculate the time yourself as well." In situations like this, Baekhyun would keep the money in a safe place until his customer called it off. Then he would decide what to do with it afterwards. For Jongdae's case, he might just keep only half if he liked him well enough.

Jongdae's parents would wonder what he was blowing his money off on. What would he tell them? He'll just worry about it later... or he could just lie and say he had a secret girlfriend.

What a terrible idea, Jongdae. How can you even think that?

"I'll trust you," Jongdae said.

"Good. I'll start timing tomorrow then. You get a freebie today," Baekhyun smiled at the brunet before clicking his pen and placing the papers into his folder. He held out his hand and Jongdae hesitantly took it. Baekhyun filed the deal in his mind. "Mind you, it might take me a few days to adjust myself with... you know," Baekhyun winced, not wanting to say what he had originally planned.

Jongdae nodded but eyed him curiously, "That's it? We don't... we don't have to sign anything?"

Baekhyun blinked at the younger male, "Why would we need to? It's too much of a hassle and a sure way to get caught. We just have to trust each other." The raven-haired boy got up from the seat beside Jongdae and returned to his own. What was Jongdae thinking? Paying him to become best friends? They could have easily become best friends without the whole deal. The older male twisted in his seat to face Jongdae, "There's something else you want, isn't there?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we could have easily become friends and you could have flirted with me without me knowing. Why pay me to become something we will in the future?" Baekhyun elaborated. Jongdae averted his gaze and chewed his bottom lip, hands fidgeting above his lap. He had nothing to say. The raven-haired boy's eyes narrowed and he prodded the brunet with his pen but the brunet didn't respond back. "What, you're not going to answer me? Fine."

As long as he keeps his body to himself, I won't mind.


When lunch rolled by, Chanyeol ditched his friends for Jaehwa. If it weren't for Baekhyun, the tall male and his girlfriend would have stayed but Baekhyun and Jaehwa refused to see one another. Chanyeol tried his best to please the two, considering it was Baekhyun who helped set him up with Jaehwa. He sort of thought the two would rekindle their friendship if they saw another long enough. At least that's what Chanyeol hoped.

Baekhyun couldn't believe Chanyeol was still dating her. Whatever happened to bros before hoes?

When he spotted Jongdae and Kyungsoo making their way over, Baekhyun gestured for the brunet to sit beside him on his left. Jongdae left a wide amount of space between him and Baekhyun, to which Baekhyun rolled his eyes and immediately slid closer, causing their knees to brush against another.

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