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(This story is just a pure fantasy and don't read this chapter with logic... This story contains ghost touching objects. So I'm warning that if you didn't feel like realistic then there's nothing I can do about.)

"it's PROMISE hyung, I decided to name the song 'promise'"  jimin said through his phone as he walked through the street road.

"Yes namjoon hyung, tell my wishes to Jin hyung, yes, I'll call you later, bye" the short guy ended his call with a big smile.

Jimin thought about buy something as he was the way to yoongi's apartment.

He entered the cafe which he saw near by him.

Shoot, he saw a familiar figure inside the cafe.

That guy looked at him.

Their eyes met.

They both smiled eachother.

"Hey taehyung" jimin went near by taehyung whole gaving a small wave.

"Hey jimin-shi, what a coincidence!" Taehyung smiled.

"Yeah. Are you on your way to the apartment?" Jimin asked.

"Yes. What about you?"

"On my way to the apartment too. I need yoongi hyung for some help" jimin said as he stood in the line. Shooting a wide smile at taehyung.

Taehyung felt his heart is going to explode soon.

He hoped jimin won't hear his heart beat.

"You heard about jin-hyung right!" Jimin asked which made taehyung nod.

"Yes, he's really hardworking person so deserves it." Taehyung said as he smiled.

"I know right! But it's crazy that, how did he managed to sell all of the products within one week" jimin shook his head in surprise.

Taehyung smiled.

"Well that's jin-hyung".

After sometimes taehyung's mind began to fill with some thoughts.

"Umm jimin-shi..." Taehyung asked as fidgeting his fingers.

"Yeah, taehyung-shi" Jimin looked at him.

"I-I if- if you don't m-mind, can we walk together ba-back to the a-apartment"

Why did I stuttered too much?? Urhhh.

Taehyung felt his cheeks heating up. Soon enough the younger hide his face between his arms.

Jimin chuckled when he found it cute.

"Why not! I'm glad to be accompain you" jimin said with the same smile.

Taehyung somewhat feels relieved.

They both bought what they wanted and walked back to the apartment.

* * *

"We should go out more often taehyung-shi, I really liked your company." Jimin said which made taehyung blush lightly.

The younger nods in respond.

For a minute they stood their silently. Not wanting to let go eachothers presence.

Their both heart beat raised when their eyes met to eachother.

Taehyung's eyes slowly slipped towards the elder's plump pink lips.

Jimin was also checking out taehyung. His perfect jawline.He has tan skin and messy hair that always gets in his eyes. At last the elder's attention gone to his lips. A perfect kissable lips.

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