WatTine : 19th May

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19th May 2022. The day that devastated me. The day my father was murdered, by the Thai gangsters, The Company. Luckily, my two boyfriends, so loving and kind, were there, comforting me.

"It'll be okay, Y/N" Tine said. I sniffled pitifully and lifted my head from Sarawat's shoulder.

"He wasn't accidentally murdered, nor was he murdered on their bosses orders." I said, "Mom did it. I know it. I heard her on the phone last week. 'When is it happening? Why haven't you killed him yet?'. It was her."

"No, don't say that." Sarawat said. "Your mother is a good person."

"You don't know half of it." I whispered. "Me and Ohm, everytime Dad was away, she hit us, and called us names. She even forced herself on Ohm when he was five. I remember it. Twins share pain."

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Tine said seriously.

"I didn't want to worry you." I choked out, struggling not to break down.

"We'll help you guys." Sarawat promised.


"No!" Y/N shot up in bed. Then she remembered, she was at Ohm's house, for their monthly sleepover. Ohm, too, was awake, both sweating and shaking. "O-Ohm?"

"I-" He began, but Y/N broke down. "No, it's okay. Mom is locked up, remember?"

Tears rolled down her cheeks. She curled into a ball, inserting herself into Ohm's bed.

"I just-I can't help thinking she's g-going to break out and-I don't know, murder us in our sleep."

Tears were also streaking Ohm's face.

"No, look, let's go to Tine and Sarawat."


"Y/N?" Sarawat asked, pulling open the door. "Ohm?"

"Sorry to bother you." Ohm said. "We - uh, we had the same nightmare, and I can't calm her down."

"Come in, then."

"Is Y/N drunk?" Tine asked suspiciously. His girlfriend had red tinted cheeks, sleepy eyes, and a dazed look in her eyes.

"Uh... Maybe?" Ohm said.


"Yeah. She's drunk."


"Ow." Y/N groaned. She sat up, wincing and holding her head. "Huh? When did I get here?"

"Ohm brought you here last night." Sarawat said, walking into the room. "You were drunk.

"Oh. Right." Y/N muttered.


"D-dead?" Y/N stuttered.

"Yeah." Sarawat said. "Dead. Your mother is dead."

"Thank God!" Y/N shouted.

"You're happy?" Tine asked incredulously.

"Why would she be sad about her abuser dying?" Ssrawat shot back.

"Oh... Right." Tine said, scratching the back of his neck. "Come on, we need to celebrate!"


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