WatTine : Love's Curse

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I will never forget the day we broke up. Me and Sarawat were yelling at each other. It was my fault. I was insecure, because of how much time he'd been spending with Pam.

That day, I was sick in the hospital. Tine was taking care of me. Sarawat had gone out with his friends. He'd met Pam, and she'd forced him to hug her.

That is in the past. But I still love the two boys. Every year, I get drunk, on this day. I told Tine to stay with Sarawat. He wanted for all of us to disperse, as not to hurt me, but I insisted.


"Pear, I love you, my sisterrrrr" I slurred. She giggled drunkenly and slung her arm around me.

"I love you toooooo. My sisterrrrr."

"Alright, that's enough." Ohm said. My brother snatched mine and Pearl's cups.

"Ohmmm!" I squealed. "You're here!!"

"You need to get out!" Ohm said hurriedly. "Wat and Tine just arrived!"

That sobered me up. I shrunk back, edging my way to the door. But it was too late. The two had caught sight of me, and were moving their way towards me.

I made a run for it. I ran to my house, five blocks away, and as soon as I got inside, I locked the door.


"Ohm. Your sister was here wasn't she?" Tine asked. Ohm shrugged and made a noncommittal noise.

"I saw her!" Sarawat said. "You know, Ohm, I don't mind telling Fong about your photo album."

"No! She went back home!" Ohm said. "Please, don't tell him!"


"Y/N! I know you're in there!" Tine said, pounding on my door. I quaked with fear. I hadn't faced them for two years, and I wasn't going to now. Not if I could help it. "Y/N! Open up!"

My instincts got better of me. I pulled the door open. As soon as I did that, I ran to my room, hiding under the covers, forgetting to lock to door.

The two boys came into my room, as was inevitable. Then the covers were thrown off me, revealing me in my pajamas.

"Oh, hi, hehe." I laughed nervously, tucking hair behind my ear.

"You've been avoiding us for two years." Tine said.

"What if I am?"

"I'm sorry for what I said last time." Sarawat said. "I don't blame you for not wanting me to go with Pam alone."

"It was my fault." I said tersely. "I knew she loved you and my thoughts for better of me. I regret it now. I'm alone and single, and probably will be for the rest of my life."

"No you won't." Tine said.

"Become our girlfriend again." Sarawat said. "I won't make the same mistake again."

I smiled. This was how it was supposed to be.


It took a few months, but I regained my trust in them, and true to his word, Sarawat never hung out with a girl alone before.

Now, we have two children. Faith is me and Tine's son, and Tai is me and Sarawat's son.

Alone : Thai BL Oneshots (slow updates)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang