PrinceKluenDao : Sick Sister

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Korean au cuz I'm used to using honorifics now.

Y/N wasn't having it. First, someone spilled their drink on accidentally, and just apologized and walked away. She was already running a fever by the time she got home for secondary, and she went straight to bed after cleaning up, without eating or waiting for her brothers.

Kluen returned from university with his brother, DaoNuea. Concerned when Y/N wasn't in the living room where she normally waited, he was surprised when he and Dao went to check on her, finding her asleep on her bed.

"She doesn't usually sleep, does she?" Dao asked. "She's never alseep at 6pm."

"No." Kluen muttered. "It's not normal."

"She's burning up." Dao said. He'd put a hand on her forehead, and observed that she didn't even stir.

"I'll call Prince Hyung." Kluen said. He got out his phone and dialed his brothers number."

"What's up?"

"Me and Dao just got home. Y/N's asleep and she has a fever."

"I'm just leaving work right now." Prince replies. "I'll be home soon."

The pair were sitting on the sofa talking when Prince arrived. Hurriedly greeting them, he went to Y/N's room. While he was feeling her temperature, she blinked her eyes open.


"Shh." Prince shushed her quietly. "Go back to sleep."

"I don't feel good." She whined hoarsely.

"I know." Prince whispered. "I'm going to get the thermometer. Call Kluen if you need anything."

"Mm." Y/N said. She settled back into the covers. But as Prince went to get the thermometer, an uneasy feeling xreptnup in her stomach. Soon, she was crawling over to the trashcan and puking into it. Hearing the noise, Kluen and Daonwent upstairs. While Kluen changed the trash at after she was done, Dao hugged her, assuring her it was normal and they weren't mad.

"Your temperature is well over a hundred." Prince said concernedly. "If it doesn't go down in three days you have to go to the hospital."

They all knew how much Y/N dislikes hospitals. But three days passed and her temperature only went down by one degree. Y/N didn't fight them on the way to the hospital, knowing that the faster they got it over with, but when the doctor announced she was going to get a shot, she threw open the door and ran off.

"I'll go after her." Kluen said, leaping out of his chair. He soon spotted her racing down the corridor and ran after her. He eventually cornered her.

"Hey." He said. "I know you don't want a shot. I know you're scared, but you can do it, right? Do you trust me?"

Y/N nodded meekly and followed him back to the doctor's office. Dr Ahn, a very nice elderly lady who'd treated all four of them as kids, smiled warmly.

"It's alright, Y/N, if you like I can distract you." She said, turning on the tv. Y/N's eyes went wide and she didn't even notice the needle going on. She was too lost staring at Jungkook.

"Bunny- Jungkook." She stuttered. Dao burst into laughter.

"Baby, get your mind off him."

"Is it done?" Y/N asked in disbelief. "Already?"

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