WatTine : Leg

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Y/N, Tine, and Sarawat. The power couple.

Now. Back to the story.

"He's going to murder you, Y/N." Ssrawat said. "He's much tougher than you."

"Hey!" Y/N sniped. "I may be a girl, but I'm not weak."

"Mil wont care you're a girl." Time told his girlfriend. "Because you're dating Tine, he's mad."


Y/N kicked the ball. Just as she scored, Mil pushed her to the ground and stuck his leg out. Y/N let out a squeak of pain, just as Tine passed out.

"Y/N!" Ohm, Fong and Phuak knelt next to her. "Did you get hurt?"

"I'm fine." She said, but she unintentionally let out a weak whimper, which they caught. "What's happening?"

"Tine passed out." Ohm said. Y/N tried to get down but Ohm pushed her back down. "Nope. Can't risk you hurting yourself more."

But Y/N, as the stubborn girl she was, got up and hobbled over to Tine, where Sarawat was kneeling.

"Y/N, stop!" Sarawat called. "You're hurt!"

Of course, she didn't listen. She fell at Tine's side, and cupped his face.

"Tine? You alright?" She asked.

"I'm fine." Tine whispered. "Don't worry about me."

He passed out again.


Tine opened his eyes, and saw Sarawat and Fong. He was about to ask where Y/N was, when Fong pit his finger to his lips and pointed to Tine's side. There were two beds. Y/N was sleeping, with a brace in her hip all the way to her ankle.

"She's badly hurt." Sarawat whispered. "Ohm and Fong had to drag her to get her hip and leg checked."

"Has she been here all the while?" Tine asked in disbelief. Ssrawat nodded. They looked at Y/N, just as she started shivering. Ssrawat walked over and put a blanket around her.

"Wat?" She asked sleepily, opening her eyes blearily. He shushed her.

"Shh. Go back to sleep." She nodded and closed her eyes.

"Wat, I told you, I can't sit!" Y/N whisper-shouted. "It hurts my hip!"

"What are you going to do? Stand all day?" Ssrawat shot back.

"Yes." Y/N insisted. "I will stand all day, unless you sedate me."

Tine and Sarawat sighed exasperatedly and sat down.


Y/N's hip and leg had healed. She could sit now, and run and walk. She could play football again. Only to things stopped her. Tine and Sarawat.

"Y/N. Don't. Mil will murder you on the field again." Tine advised.

"Don't worry, Teepakorn. I'm not going to die." Y/N said, winking cheekily. Ssrawat and Tine, once again, sighed exasperatedly.


"What happened this time?" Tine asked tiredly.

"I - uh may or may not have gotten into a fight." Y/N said shepishly, wincing slightly when Tine dubbed her scratched with alcohol.

"What are we going to do with you?" Ssrawat asked, wrapping her finger with a bandage.

"Uh... Sorry, once bought, no return. You signed up for it." Ohm said cheekily, grinning at his sister. Y/N glared menacingly at him.

"I am going to end you, brother dearest."

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