WatTine : Dilemma

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"So basically I- I mean 2, likes 2 and 3, who are already dating, and may like her back. But 1 isn't sure. So she came to me. And I came to you." Y/N finished. Earn and Pear looked at each other.

"Y/N." Pear said. "We know 2 is you. And 2 and 3 are Tine and Sarawat, amirite?"

"You-you guys knew?" Y/N asked in a scandalized voice. Earn sighed.

"I knew." She said.

"I knew." Pear said.

"Fine. Yes. It is Sarawat and Tine."

"They like you." Earn and Lear said together."

"No they don't." Y/N said.

"Yes." Earn said.

"Yes." Pear said.

"Yes." Sarawak and Tine said. Y/N went bright red.

"How much of that di you hear?" Y/N asked, pointing her finger to them accusingly. "Whatever you heard, is false."

"Really? If we ask you out, will you say yes?" Tine asked, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Fine! I do like you." Y/N said boldly.

"Good Time said. "We'll pick you upon Saturday, 6pm."

They walked off, as if they hadn't just asked her out. Y/N stared at them in shock.

"Did they...?" She asked. Earn and Pear nodded.

"They asked you out." Pear said excitedly. "Y/N! I told you!"


"Come on, it's not like you haven't seen it before." Sarawat grumbled. Y/N sighed exasperatedly.

"Doesn't mean it's not surprising." She'd woken up, and guess what? Sarawat was naked, again.

"Come off it."

"You stop sleeping without clothes!" Y/N said, blushing furiously. Sarawat laughed and threw on some clothes. Tine walked in.

"I told you to stop sleeping without clothes." He said exasperatedly. "She isn't used to it."

Sarawat huffed but didn't argue. Y/N smed cheekily.

"Sarawat expo!" She said, giggling. Tine's lils quirked upwards, and soon, both of them were laughing heartily while Sarawat scowled with his hands on his hips.

"We need to leave." He said. "We're going to be late."

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