DaoNuea : Useless

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"Dao, can you pick me up?" Y/N grumbled. Senswing the anger and betrayal in his sister's voice, Nuea stood up.

"Sure, where are you?"

It was raining when Nuea arrived. Pulling up in the driveway of the little coffeeshop, Nuea unfolded the umbrella and went to look for Y/N. She was sitting on the curb, dripping with rain and crying.

"Why are you here?" Nuea asked concernedly.

"She dumped me." Y/N sniffled. "She said Iwas a good for nothing, lazy, slut, but I've never had sex, ever. I'm sixteen, Dao."

Furious with Jane, Y/N's ex girlfriend, Nuea was ready to storm into her dorm.

"Dao, am I really useless?" Y/N asked in a small voice. Nuea stopped the car, turning his head to Y/N.

"Don't say that." He said sharply. "You're an amazing girl, and if she doesn't want you, it's her loss."

At the mention of Jane, tears trailed down Y/N's face again, but she was quick to cover it up.

Later, as Y/N lay asleep on his bed, her head on his lap, Nuea felt hot tears of anger gush down his face. He was angry. Angry that his sweet innocent sister had been shamed.

He carresed her hair, looking down at her sleeping face. She looked like she held all the worry in the world, and Nuea couldn't stand it.

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