WatTine : Frustrating

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Putting his stuff on the table, Tine sighed. Sarawat looked up.'

"What's the matter?"

"I just got back from the hospital. The cheerleaders are injured." Tine said.

When he'd finished explaining what happened, he went to take a shower. 20 minutes later, the door opened again, but more forcefully. Slamming the door behind her, Y/N banged her things on the table and headed into the bedroom.

Tine and Sarawat exchanged confused looks. When she came back out, Y/N seemed a lot calmer, but still didn't speak all through dinner.

"Alright." Tine said finally, annoyed by her silence. "What's going on with you?"

"Nothing." She answered sullenly.

"Don't give me that." Tine said warningly. "Tell me what's going on?"

"The posters for the 2U event are completely ruined!" She burst out. "We were sabotaged, and now digital club has to do it all over again!"

"Didn't you save it?"

"The computers in school don't allow us to save anything and none of us have a copy saved on our computer!"

"You have a computer?" Sarawat asked.

"Of course I do." Y/N said, surprised. "Haven't you seen it?"

"No." Sarawat and Tine said together. Y/N sighed.

"Anyway, we spent two months on it, and now we have to do it again!" She sighed frustratedly and took out her laptop.

Tine and Sarawat watched as their girlfriend's fingers flew across the keyboard effortlessly.

"Her butt is so beautiful." Sarawat said, not realizing what he'd said. It was only when Y/N turned around with a red face, and Tine burst out laughing that he realized what he'd said.

"Guntithanon, are you having dirty thoughts again?" Y/N hissed.

"No Ma'am." Sarawat saluted her and slumped back on the sofa.

"Tine, stop laughing." Y/N said unamusedly. He stifled his laughter with a pillow.

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