WatTine : Felt Up

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"Pretty girl, why don't you sit with me?"

"Uh... No thank you. My boyfriend's are waiting for me." Y/N said nervously, creeped out and scared.

"Come on. I won't hurt you." Next thing she knew, there was a twinge in her arm, and everything went hazy.


She tensed up, trying to remove the hand going under her shirt. She started crying, and kicking.

"Let her go, pervert!" Tine shouted. The man let go, scared by Tine's tone. "Didn't she tell you to back off?"

Y/N slid to the floor, clutching her shirt and crying. Sarawat ran over, but she recoiled.

"Y/N, it's me, Wat." He said. "Sarawat."

"Wat?" She whispered. She peeked out of her hair. Then she attached herself to Sarawat, as though she'd disappear if she didn't.

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