WatTine : Jealousy Jealousy

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Her hand went to his waist. Y/N glared at it as though it would disappear. Sarawat didn't seem to notice, nor had he seemed to have told Pam he had a girlfriend and a boyfriend.

Y/N couldn't stand it. She got out of her seat and stormed away. Tine stood up awkwardly.

"Uh-Im going to the bathroom." He chuckled nervously and made his way out.

"What's their problem?" Pam asked curiously. Ssrawat, who hadn't been listening, cocked his head.

"I don't know." He sighed. He knew Y/N was jealous, but he didn't have the heart to tell Pam to back off. "Come on. Let's get this over with."

"Ssrawat, let's stay back and talk." Pam said sweetly. He was about to answer, but he caught a glimpse of the scene outside. Y/N was stamping her foot and screaming at the wall. Tine stood back, looking extremely shell shocked.

"I'm sorry Pam, I need to go back to my girlfriend." He said, making a beeline for the door. "Could you help pack up?"

"You have a girlfriend?" Pam said, a twinge of Jealousy in her voice.

"Yes. And a boyfriend." Sarawat said proudly.

"Why did you never tell me?"Pam asked, trying to sound happy.

"We kind of lost contact, did you not realize?"

"We have social media."

"I just only joined."

"Goodbye Pam." He pushed open the door.

Y/N was now sitting with her back to the wall, and Tine was trying to get her to get up."

"-might not be what you think." Tine was saying. "They were best friends before."

",I know." Y/N sniffled. "I just didn't expect him to drop us for her completely. I just thought he would at least tell us he was giving her lessons."

Sarawat sighed.

"I'm sorry." He said earnestly. "I didn't mean to ignore you."

"Where's Pam?" Y/N asked coldly. "Isn't she with you?"

"No." Sarawak said. "I told her I had a boyfriend and a girlfriend."

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