Ren : Period

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Ren opened his eyes, wondering what woke him up. Rolling over, he found you, asleep. Then, he noticed a red patch under you.

"Babe." He whispered. "You're on your period."

You shot up, and relaxed. When you'd gotten back from the bathroom, Ren had pulled the bedsheet off, and you helped him put a new one on.

"I don't think that's happened for like... A year." You giggled. Ren smiled at you in amusemebt.

"Well..." He said playfully. "Too bad you didn't die."

"I can't believe you ,Ren!" You snickered. "You wish your girlfriend was dead??"

"Mm. Then I have a whole bed to myself." He smirked, laying across the bed.

"What time is is?" You asked. Ren glanced at his watch.

"Six AM."


"You know, the first time I got my period in my relationship, Ren nearly passed out." You giggled, and the other girls wheezed with laughter.

"Excuse me, I find that offensive!" Ren said, sitting next to you and poking your rib. You shrieked and giggled, smacking him playfully.

"I took a photo, babe." You smirked evilly. "Want to see it, girls?"

"Show it!" Gorya and Kaning begged. You took your phone and they got a seconds view of Ren being pale faced, before he snatched the phone, scowling.

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