WatTine : Why? Part Two

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"But I already pay you with my body, dear." Green said to Dim. Y/N gagged, making Sarawat and Tine laugh.

"Could you-er - save the sex talk." She muttered. "Gross."

"Y/N, when can we get a solo interview?" Green asked. "Our viewers er - want to know about... Pam."

"What about Pam?" Y/N asked.

"People are saying... That day you were sick, Wat was hugging Pam."

"Green." Dim said. "Knock it off."

Y/N turned to Sarawat.

"Wat? What did Green mean?"

"Shh... I think the stove at home is on." Green said nervously. He and Dim dashed out.


"Wat?" Y/N said. "What was that about?"

"I don't know." Sarawat said. He began walking away, but Y/N and Time stayed behind. "Guys?"

"Tell me what he meant?" Y/N demanded.

"I - that day, Pam was crying." Ssrawat said. "I only meant to comfort her and go after you."

"So you left Tine to take me to the hospital?"

"Look." Ssrawat said. "I know, I make mistakes from time to time, but that doesn't mean I don't love you anymore."

"From now on, we need to have heart to heart talks." Tine said.

"I agree." Y/N said. Sarawat nodded.

"Now, I'd like to be frank, Y/N."

"Uh.. ok."

"Can I grab your boobs?" Ssrawat asked, reaching out his hands. Y/N shoved his hands away, groaning.

"Pervert!" She groaned. "Again? Come on."

"Uh... He's got a point." Tine said. "They look squeezable."

"Ugh. Stop it, both of you."

"Oh, I'm meeting the cheerleaders for lunch." Tine said, checking his watch. "Shit, Im late!"

"Bye!" Y/N giggled. She flung her arm around Sarawat. "Sarawat, you need to get your dirty ideas out of Tine's head."

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