FahPrinceKluenDao : Sister

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Y/N woke up at 3am and shot up to the bathroom. She emptied the content of her guts into the toilet bowl, before a hand held up her hair and another mad its way onto her forehead. Hissing at the temperature, Dao went to get a thermometer while his older brother called for the other two. Carrying Y/N back to bed after cleaning her up, Fah turned down the air conditioner, despite Y/N's protests and shivering. Kluen and Prince stumbled into the room.

"Was going on?" Prince asked sleepily.

"She's sick." Dao said with a 'duh' tone, coming back with a thermometer and turning toY/N. "Mouth or armpit?"

She pondered for a moment, before lifting her arm, closing it back after the thermometer went it. Taking it out when it beeped, Dao read the temperature. He turned back to his sister with a pitiful expression.

"I'm sorry, Princess. We have to go to the hospital tomorrow. You're well over a hundred."

IMPORTANT : this may be the last update for a long time, maybe even years.

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