Chapter One: A New Name

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His eyes were heavy and it was an effort to keep them open. He looked around the room he was currently in and realized where he was.
He was taken to the dreaded Dr. Brenner, this is the situation he attempted to avoid, but to no avail.
The door in front of him opened to reveal the man he had never hoped to be captive to.
The doctor sat there next to the bed he was residing in. Making his skin crawl and his blood boil.
"Hello there, it's good to see you've awakened. How are you feeling?"
He did not dignify him with an answer so the room remained silent.
The doctor smiled assuming he is the silent type.
Then he continued "Good, well let us get started, shall we."
He took out a device with a needle on the tip of it and plugged it in, it started vibrating..
His eyes widened, intimidated by the device.
The Doctor laid a hand on his shoulder and he shrugged it away.
"Don't worry, it's for tattooing your wrist, it won't hurt too much." Dr. Brenner reassured him.
He was frantic, trying to leave the bed. The Doctor held him down.
"Calm down, son. All will be well..." Dr. Brenner said trying to soothe the boy.
In retaliation the boy lifted out his hand and his eyebrows arched down as he flexed his fingers. The lights flickered as his nose began to bleed drastically.
"Stop, you are causing further harm to yourself.." Dr. Brenner yelled.
Then the boy's  eyes rolled back and his head fell back onto his pillow. His power exceeding his strength.
The man sighed, and pressed a button on the wall.
Another man dressed in white walked in..
"Yes sir?" He asked in a deep voice.
The doctor shifted his eyes behind him where the man in white stood awaiting his order.
"Get the restraints, if you please..." the Doctor said with a frustrated tone.
The man in white nodded "right away, sir." He left the room eager to fulfill his request.

Later that day......

The boy awoke to a stinging pain on his left arm. He attempted to lift it up to his eyes, only to be pulled back by his restraints.
He looked down an saw the numbers
0n his wrist in black ink.

A tear slid down his cheek, he felt utterly defeated. He knew that this Dr. Brenner had the upper hand because of the misuse of his powers.
He was angry at himself for not strategically planning the murder of his family. For acting under the guise of emotion.
However he felt most powerful when he utilized rage. His powers did not work under strategy. His emotions were the fuel to his fire, that burned those that crossed him.
Thank You For Reading, See You In The Next Chapter! ;)
And please do tell me your thoughts in the comments....

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