In The Night....

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One laid awake anxious for the next day to begin. Twirling a paper clip between his fingers. He contemplated using the object to escape his room.
He knew Zero was in the room just to the left.
He had never been so eager to see someone.
That's because he let her in, not only into his heart but into the inner workings of his mind as well.
He had never endured any kind of emotional vulnerability before. That was a sacrifice that he himself would overcome for her.
To be close to her....

The feelings he felt made his heart soar, and he just couldn't get enough of it.
Before being a spectator of love, for example his parents.
He saw through their facades, and in truth they only tolerated each other.
The only reason there was a union between them at all. Was because it was expected of them from society.
To achieve the perfect nuclear family.....

Not to mention the secrets that they held from each other.
That in his eyes was never love, what was between him and Zero was much different.
And it inspired him to think differently about humanity as a whole.

He still hated the endless redundant cycle. That his parents participated in.
But some parts of it had a purpose, such as connection, loyalty, and love.

He was open not only to that, but to Zero and her views. Which were quite different from his.
He respected that, but he was confident that he could persuade her into seeing things his way.

11:58 just before midnight ....

He lifted himself off of his bed, his feet clacked onto the cold tile as he walked towards the door.
He thought of using his powers to unlock it, but chose the hardest but stealthiest option.
He gently pressed the end of the clip inside the lock and started twisting it.
After a few attempts, he got impatient and jiggled the clip in the lock. The lock clicked open.

His eyebrows arched up surprised that it worked.
He opened the door gently to avoid any creaking sounds. To reveal a dark lightly lit hallway.
He carefully placed his feet on the tile as he took every footstep.
Once outside her room he begun trying to unlock her door.

Once achieved, he quickly walked inside and gently closed the door behind him.
The room was dark as he pressed his fingers onto the wall, trying to locate the switch.
He finally found it to the left of her door.
Without a second thought he switched it up turning on the light above her.
He looked at her stirring in her sleep. Happy to see her at last.
He sat on her bed aside from her, he pressed his hand on her shoulder. "Liz, wake up. It is me..."
Her eyes were slow to open, once they did she lifted her wrist to cover her eyes away from the bright light.
He read her number 000 as he apologized "I'm sorry I'll turn down the brightness."
He lifted his arm behind her and turned the dial down.

She laid her arm beside her small frame, and blinked at him.
"Henry....what are you doing? You could get in trouble."
He smiled as he cupped her cheek. "I know..."
She slid her back up to face him moaning in pain.
He rubbed her shoulder "I am so sorry."
She looked up at him with a smirk "I know, I read your card. It was sweet, thank you"

He smiled "so you forgive me?" He asked
She chuckled "I thought you could read my mind?"
He gave her a genuine smile "I respect you too much to pry into your mind. At least most of the time."
They laughed.
"Thanks." She said sarcastically.
She rubbed his arm with happy eyes "yes I forgive you, but honestly it's really not your fault. I fainted from exhaustion, not bodily injury."
He sighed in relief and said "usually I wouldn't feel bad, but when it came to you. It was a different story."
She leaned in from the bed and hugged him, he returned the hug.
Then she whispered into his ear "I suppose the score between us is settled."
He smiled and whispered into her ear, "never..."
Thank You For Reading, I Will See You, In The Next Chapter.
Please do tell me your thoughts in the comments. ;)

Betrayal : 001 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora