A Warning

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As soon as the drugs wore off, Zero was escorted to Papa's office.
The guard on her left had dark bruises on his neck.
She wondered how that happened to him. But kept her mouth shut, it was none of her business anyway.
He opened a heavy metal door in front of them and lead her inside.

Once in the room, he directed her to sit in the chair across from Papas. Then he stood behind her. Watching her, in awkward silence.
After a few minutes, Papa entered the room.
He waved away the guard "you're excused.."
The guard swiftly walked away and out of the room.

Papa placed a metal suitcase under his desk, shielding it from view. Zero awaited his word, looking around the room avoiding his gaze.

He gave her a sincere look, hoping to catch her eyes.
Her eyes widened surprised to hear that name come out of his mouth. They locked eyes, as he reached for her hand across the desk. She shifted from his touch.
"Please...try to hear what I have to say." He said with a desperate undertone.
She lifted an eyebrow " why? So you could manipulate me again."
His head shifted slightly to the left, perplexed at her view of him.
"That is not my intention, in fact my intention is to reveal the truth."
She looked down at her lap interlocking her fingers "what truth is that?" She asked.

He sat back into his chair, narrowing his eyes at her.
"The truth behind Henry and how he came to be here."
She leaned forward, toward him. "You know nothing of the truth!"

He raised his eyebrows "You might as well be open to what I have to say."
She sat back, the room fell silent for a moment then he continued.

"I know you're view of me is low, you think of me as a shadow, a shadow that hovers over your happiness. But there are other shadows around you. Shadows that seek to hide the truth."

She looked away tears brimming from her eyes. "Henry would never lie to me, he detests secrets."

He nodded " I am sure he does, but he is also a human and we tend to hide to safeguard our feelings and our relationships."

He continued "That is why I must be the one to reveal such a secret." She shifted her eyes at her fathers stern figure, sitting up, arms folded onto his desk. Looking at her piercingly.

"You see Henry, he has used his powers to kill in the most horrendous way possible. Starting from tormenting little animals, to killing off members of his family."
She closed her eyes shut, letting the tears roll down.
She stood up in objection "I don't believe you!"
He sighed " I would lie about many things but not this, never this"
He stood up to meet her "I am telling you this to protect you, Henry is threat!"
She stood there speechless as he continued.
"Not only did he kill his mother and younger sister. But just yesterday, he took the life of one guard and injured the other."

She plopped down onto the chair in defeat, realizing her father wasn't lying. She saw the bruises on that guards neck. It was alarming to her.
If he could kill his family, he could also kill her. He kept her in the dark about who he truly was, and her heart was broken because of it.
Thanks for reading, see you in the next chapter.
Please do tell me what you think about the story in the comments.

Betrayal : 001 Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon