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She slowly sat up to find herself alone.
She tried to stand only to fall and catch herself gripping the sink.

She leaned into the sink, throwing up. She felt so unwell, why would he do this to her...

She turned on the faucet to clean the puke out and wipe her hair back.

Her hair dripped as she stared at her blurred reflection at the bottom of the stainless steel sink.

Then a blood curdling scream could be heard not to far from her.
She immediately turned her head, water splashing onto the wall.

She gulped, where was Henry and what the hell was he doing.

She kept her palms to the wall, trying to steady her balance.
She attempted to open the door only to find it locked.

She tried to pull it open several times only to fall to the floor.
Wait, he must have the key. No Henry what has he done!
She got up on her knees searching her pockets, she sighed in relief to find the paper clip he gave to her earlier in her left pocket.

She nudged up to the door knob, thrusting it inside, turning it every which way. Finally it gave in and clicked open.
"Yes.." she said in relief once more.
But the relief would not last as soon as she opened the door.

As she held the door knob she kneeled in a trail of dead bodies.
She pulled herself up with the door knob. Tears on her face as the lights flickered above her.

"No...." she said in a whimper

Not only guards and orderlies laid dead but so did some of the children.
Their eye sockets bare and bleeding. Their faces frozen in horror.
Their limbs mutilated, as their bones stabbed through their skin.

She collapsed onto the wall crying "I....I did this..."

Then she heard her father say "this isn't your fault.."
She Turned to see him dragging himself on the floor toward her voice.

His legs are broken, his eyes are rolled into the back of his head as blood dripped down his face.

"Papa..." she fell to the floor and crawled through the bodies to meet him.

She held him in her arms sobbing as she looked down at him. "Papa I'm so sorry, you were right about him, I should have listened to you."

"Lizzie..." he called breathlessly.
Her eyes shut as her tears fell onto his cheek.
"I'm here papa, I'm here.."she weeps
He held his hand In hers and gripped it strongly.
"He did this, you must stop him..."
She looked away " I don't know if I can, he's...."

He interrupted "you have to, he won't stop here and you know it."
She met his blind gaze seeing the suffering he caused.

In that moment her heart hardened against the man she once loved.

"I will end this, this I swear. Father." She placed her hand on his cheek as he attempted to smile.
"You're a good person who has been seduced by an evil one. Do not blame yourself."

She nodded as she brushed back his hair. "I know.. but I should have listened to my gut. To you, and now everyone has suffered because of my actions."

He shook his head "His actions not yours, and I haven't been forthright in the past which caused you to doubt me."

He felt for her cheek, she grasped his hand and lead him there.
He wiped her tears away, finally acting like the father she deserves.
"Once this is all over, go to your mother..."
She raised her eyebrow "mother..."
" have family here, your aunt who cares for her will care for you.."
He continued "her address is in your file in my office, find it and lead a great life far from here."
His breathing started to strain as he coughed up blood.
" stay with me, stay with me!" She exclaimed.
"I.. love you and I'm sorry" he gulped and shivered.
Then his face rested into a blank expression as he exhaled.

Her eyes over flowed with tears "Papa..." then she placed her head on his chest laid there and sobbed.

I know at the beginning she hated his guts but At the end of the day she still loves Her father...

Get ready for the final chapter..

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