The Hawkins Lab Massacre

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He turned the knob slowly as to not alarm Papa that he was there. Entering not only his office but his living quarters as well.

As he walked into the room, his eyes landed on the back of his head, his grey hair slid neatly to the back, as he sat in a chair.
He was scribbling down onto paper as he said
"What is it now?"

He smiled as he savored this moment to terrorize him.
"Your death is near, Papa..." he said to him sending chills up his spine.

Then as Henry moved towards the front of his desk.
His arm outstretched forward, toward him. Threatening his very existence.
They locked eyes and Papa looked at his neck to reveal the Soitera was torn from it.

"How?" He asked
Henry smiled "how do you think?"

"No.." his eyes widened.
"Yes.." Henry nodded

Then he attacked him, lifting him up from his chair into the air.

His feet turned toward each other, his eyes rolled backwards into his head as blood flowed down his face.

His legs started to snap to the side as he screamed.

The screams echoed throughout the nearest halls, causing the guards to be alerted to the scene.

They burst through the door tasers in hand, but Henry smiled as he flung the good doctor into the wall.

He looked at them cowering in fear smirking.
"Those will do you no good I'm afraid..."
He used both his hands to propel them into the wall breaking the tile into small pieces.

The shards of tile clashed onto the floor, blood smeared onto them.

His hands flexed as he grunted, causing their eyes to explode.

They collapsed onto the ground blood cascaded through their eyes, seeping  onto the floor.

He turned towards Papa as he lay there unmoving. Henry presumed he was dead, he walked forward away from him dropping the soles of his shoes into the mixed blood below him.
As he walked away the blood followed him into the rainbow room.
Several screams rang throughout the facility. So much death all in one hour.
Thanks for reading, please comment your opinions in the comments.

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