Meet Me

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Zero now aware of Ones past, and how far he would go.
She strayed away from his presence. She still loved him, but she could not bring herself to condone what he did.

One looked at her, yearning to talk to her. But she wouldn't even glance in his direction.
This jabbed him in the heart, the sharp feeling of being ignored by her was too much to bear.

When they passed by one another in the hall that day as they were heading towards their stations.
He slipped a note in her hand, this caught her off guard.
She held the note as she looked back at him walking away.
His head turned toward her anxious to see if she will read it.

Once he was far from her vision, she lifted up the folds of the small paper. To reveal a small paper clip and a note written.

Meet me in the cleaning closet tonight. I beg of you.

She looked away at the pristine white tile wall in contemplation.
Her gut dropped, she took this as her intuition to not trust the man.
But then she remembered the last time they were alone together, how tenderly he touched her.
She knew he was injected with the soitera, so his powers were repressed.
If he tried anything, she could defend herself.

She nodded making up her mind, she was going to see him that night.

Later that night....

She quietly walked out of her room, and made small gentle strides toward the cleaning closet.
As she pulled the knob the door flung open, revealing One waving for her to walk in.

She walked in and he closed the door behind them.
They turned towards each other.

"I'm glad you decided to come." He said with a slight smile.

She looked down at the floor below them "I shouldn't be here.." she looked back up meeting his gaze "with you..." Her resolve started to buckle when he made that familiar charming smile.
"Did Papa tell you that?" He asked softly.
She replied "He said you are a threat. That you have used your power to kill." Her eyebrows furrowed in disgust as tears wet her cheeks.
He lowered his eyebrows "and you believe him?"
She looked away "the evidence was compelling."
"And what evidence is that." He replied.
She looked back at him swiftly "The guard you strangled, not to mention the one you killed!"
He walked closer to her as she stepped away, until she hit a shelf. She looked back at it as a plastic bucket fell and collapsed on the floor making a small sound.

"I was trying to protect you, I saw what they did to you!" He exclaimed inches from her.

She looked back at him continuing to question him. "And what about your family?"
Silence filled the room, his face torn, with a tear ready to fall from his right eye duct.
He walked closer as close as he could get to her.
"My family.." he growled.

Their eyes locked, inches apart, "my family deserved what I did, they were a threat to me. They wanted to send me here, to this hell hole. I had no other choice but to kill them"

He continued as he held her cheek brushing her tears away. "Your father...manipulates you. He attempts to manipulate you against me."

They stood there in silence then she said
"despite it all, I still love you."

He smiled "I love you too."

Thanks for reading see you in the next chapter.

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