A Year Later.....

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One and Zero isolated themselves from the other children that came into the lab over the last year.
After all they were ahead of them when it came to age but also experience. Some of them were born the very year they met.
However just because they were adolescent now did not mean they were exempt from participating in the lessons and tests that Papa himself created.
In fact there was a lesson planned for that very day.
The day One entered these halls. A day that is biter-sweet in his eyes. Since it was the day he was imprisoned here, but also the day he found someone of like mind, a kindred. Being Zero and Zero alone.

That Afternoon in the rainbow room.....

Zero was sitting on the floor as she awaited for One to walk through the very doors she kept her eyes on.
She held a glass jar in her hand, a present for him to celebrate that day.
A Black Widow was nesting in that jar, and she looked down at it with pride. Knowing he would enjoy her gift.

Then he walked through those doors and into the rainbow room. The doors swung behind him as he looked for her.
"One!" She called out, he looked at her with a smile and rushed to her side.
"What do you have there?" He asked
She handed him the jar "For you, I know you love them."
He sat next to her with a smirk "thank you..."
She leaned on his shoulder looking up at him, your welcome."

He looked down at her with happy eyes. "Where on earth did you find it?" He asked.
She replied "in my vent, with that smile on your face I'm glad I found it."

He chuckled "I am glad to have it."
Thank You For Reading, I'll See You In The Next Chapter.
Please do tell me what you think in the comments. ;)

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