The Dr. and The Spider That Ate Him.

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The Doctor now introducing himself as Papa gave him a choice.....
"You see One, we do not tolerate the misuse of your powers here. You are only to use them when authorized to. And most importantly they are not to inflict harm. Is that understood?"
The young boy nodded in agreement, because it was either that or his powers would be suppressed by the Soiteria. That was a fate worse than death in his opinion. Papa replied with a smile "good, I am glad we understand one another." Then he pressed a button sending the man in white into the room.
Papa smiled at the man, and said "please take One into the rainbow room. I am certain he will enjoy himself there."
One lifted himself off the bed and followed the man in white down the hall and into that very room.
His eyes widened in surprise and excitement as he spotted paper and drawing supplies on two white desks, one already occupied.

He sat down and put pencil to paper in a matter of seconds. Knowing full well what he wanted to draw.

30 minutes ran by....

And finally his masterpiece was complete.
He held it down under the bright white desk, he was careful to not reveal it.
Then a curious eye beside him took a glance.
One looked at the girl ready to crush the paper and discard the evidence.
Until he saw the smile on her face....
"Is that Papa?" She asked with a quizzical brow.
One nodded seeing as she was pleased with his work.
She chuckled "If anyone deserves a fate like that, it would be him."
He chuckled as well, understanding that they had a common adversary.

She looked down onto the page and examined the details of the spider that was about to eat the poor man caught up in his web.
"A black widow, good choice." She said with a smirk.
His smile grew, he was surprised by her words " black widows too.?"
She looked up at him "sure, they are quite fascinating."
One was so happy to find someone like him that his teeth started showing. And he knew her words rang true because her mind was so clear and not scattered with lies like many others.
"I'm Henry Creel, what is your name?"
She smiled in return "Elizabeth Brenner, we are supposed to forget our names really my name is Zero."

He raised an eyebrow "Dr. Brenner is your father?" He asked
She nodded frowning "not a good one I'm afraid, be careful with him. He seems kind but that is all a facade to get us to comply."

One nodded, "I had the feeling, he has a slightly aggressive undertone to his voice."

She looked down at his wrist to find out his number is
The tattoo looked fresh, she was sure it pained him, just like it did her.
"Ice will help you with the soreness, I've been there." She lifted up her wrist.
He smirked and said "thanks."
Thanks For Reading, See You In The Next Chapter ;)
Oh and please do tell me your thoughts in the comments.

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