Chapter 53

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Meanwhile Husk and Vaggie were waiting for Angel to pick them up and take them to the festival. The festival itself was held on the boardwalk, Rosie would just be providing the catering and the entertainment. Speaking of entertainment, she had taken the liberty of asking Angel to perform at the festival too. According to Alastor he was a very talented singer and dancer. Vaggie was most curious to see what he would be like.

"You don't think he'll be doing a strip dance, do you?" Vaggie asked Husk.

"At an event where there are children and cops present?" He said. "Come on, nobody's that stupid."

"Good point."

"Hey Vaggie, while we're answering questions, I got one of my own. How do I look?"

"What do you mean how do you look?"

"I mean do I look presentable? Is hair sticking up? Do I have anything in my teeth?"

"No but I can see a few whiskers peeking in from your disguise."

"Shit! I need to reapply!"

Husk quickly pulled the capsule of illusion powder from his jacket pocket. He opened it, took a handful of the contents, and rubbed it on his face. At the exact moment, Angel arrived with Fat Nuggets.

"Well do you all look sexy tonight?" Angel complimented. "Everyone ready to go?"

"Yeah just let Husk finish putting on his...Face cream."

"Face cream? Finally, another man who wears it."

"Did you have to bring the pig?" Husk asked.

"Yes I did. The festival has a live stock show you know, and Nugsy here is going to win the blue ribbon. No cow, chicken, or pig is as terrific, radiant, or humble as my Fat Nuggets. Isn't that right Nugsy?"

The pig snorted in agreement. It made Vaggie giggle a little.

After that they all got into Angel's car and he drove them down to the boardwalk. Very soon another car followed after them. It was Alastor's car which was carrying Alastor, Charlie, Beth, Rosie, and Niffty. When pulled in near the entrance of the boardwalk they could hear music and see the Ferris wheel turning in the sky. They could smell deep fried treats and see balloons aloft. Nearly everyone was eager to get out, explore, and gave one hell of a time.

"Now supper will be at six." Rosie instructed. "As will the first performance. At six o'clock I expected my performers to meet me at the boardwalk square. Is that understood?"

Everyone nodded. With the confirmation given, Rosie gave them permission to disperse and do whatever they pleased until six o'clock. Beth immediately danced off toward the rides with Alastor and Charlie following close behind. First they rode the Ferris wheel, followed by the swings and the bumper cars. For the two of them, it was the experience of a lifetime because neither one of them had been on festive rides before. Next they decided to take a break and play at some of the game stands set up. Alastor was a natural at the shooting rink, he shot five perfect bullseyes which resulted in Beth winning a plush dolphin. Charlie did surprisingly well at the ring toss and for her prize, she chose an empty picture frame which she would save for later use. Soon the girls became hungry but dinner wasn't for another two hours so Alastor bought them each a special treat. Cotton candy for Beth and a toffee apple for Charlie.

Angel, Vaggie, and Fat Nuggets went straight to the livestock show. The other animals were all huge and portly, Fat Nuggets on the other hand was quite small. The other competitors laughed at him, thinking that the competition was solely about who's animal was bigger but Angel had a little trick up his sleeve to ensure victory. You see over the years he had taught Fat Nuggets a few tricks and because he wasn't so fat or heavy, he could perform them with ease. The crowds ooed and awed when they saw the little swine perform magnificent high jumps and back flips. It only took the judges two seconds to make their verdict. Fat Nuggets won first prize, he walked out of their with a blue ribbon around his neck. Angel couldn't have been more proud.

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