Chapter 2 : Unexpected Plans?

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A few years ago during a calm afternoon in Junkyu's elementary school garden, the little boy stood there heavily sobbing. 

"He promised me that he was going to be there when I perform, but instead I saw him with a girl. Why did he betray me over someone he recently met? is our friendship that shallow?. Was I the only one who trusted him?", the little Junkyu sulked alone, scribbling some images in his notebook. 

The day of Junkyu's first recital meant a lot for him, he vividly remembered how his best friend Haruto made a promise to attend to assure him, for several hours he waited from their backstage up until the moment he started to perform. 

As a result of his nervousness, Junkyu slightly made a mistake for the reason of his anxiety tendencies which Haruto was the only individual, not even his own parents, Haruto was deemed as his antidote, however that very day, he was never present. After his transparent mistake, Junkyu's colleagues criticized the young individual, hence losing his self-confidence. He feared being an embarrassment for his parents. 

Ever since the incident, Junkyu vowed to himself to never trust Haruto, the first individual he gave his heart to, and his first heartbreak. The latter grew up developing the need to surpass his past best friend. 

Junkyu woke up with the same dream all over, beads of sweat profusely falling from his forehead. The boy grunted, forcing himself to prepare for another day in school. Yesterday's events seemed to aimlessly bother his thoughts. 

He looks at his drawer where he still kept pictures of him and Haruto. Despite his hostility to Haruto, he doesn't have the heart to readily discard belongings that embodied such memories for him. 

Following his breakfast, Junkyu comfortably sits along with his parents. Junkyu steadily ate and continued with his routine, his father clears his throat. "Junkyu, you will be having dinner with someone I arranged you with, this may be a good potential marriage for you", his father affirmed, the latter chokes on his food, widening his eyes in bewilderment. 

"I did not get you father", Junkyu nonchalantly replied, taking a sip of his morning coffee.

"Son, you are a young adult now, I think it is better to get wedded at such an age. Life's too short, your mother and I have high hopes in getting a grandchild", his father continued. Junkyu dislodges himself while collecting his thoughts. "Father, I am way too young for that. I have yet to accomplish my tertiary educational degree", Junkyu frankly elaborated, hoping to convince his parents.

"Son, we do not have any preferences for your future spouse, in fact, we are contented enough to know that you have someone to be with when you grow old. Being alone is difficult, eventually, you will have the notion of having a life-long partner, everything isn't about emotional value. Nonetheless, it involves companionship, think about it", his mother sincerely mumbled in a heartfelt tone. 

Junkyu nods his head in approval for the sake of getting himself out of the occurring situation, he bids a goodbye exiting their household. The same subject where his parents were convincing him for the last two years, he was getting sick of going over the cycle.

The usual cycle persisted with Junkyu quietly fulfilling his student responsibilities indulging himself in work, and distracting his misanthropic ideas. For hours on end, Junkyu's conscious principles were simultaneously disrupted attributable to crumpled papers thrown by none other than Haruto. Junkyu rolled his eyes, sending signals to his desk mate which was left unbothered. 

Marry Me? - HaruKyu FFDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora