Chapter 3 : The Contract

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Junkyu tirelessly opened his eyes, yeeting himself from his bed. The poor fellow kept himself awake for the rest of the night due to the unfortunate event last night.

"Jesus, why did he have to kiss me out of the blue?, how will I face Watanabe now?", Junkyu sternly cusses out, pulling his hair in frustration. Haruto made sure to send messages to him he was peculiar as to how the Japanese guy managed to get his number, the moment he was dropped off by Haruto, he was immediately bombarded with several messages from him.

Everything seemingly happened at a fast pace, Junkyu almost choked on his drink after witnessing Haruto's flirty behavior, he wasn't sure whether his so-called-pretend fiancé was engrossed in his role in pretending to make their agreement realistic enough to the extent of being very toward to Junkyu. 

A loud ring came from Junkyu's phone, his eyes bulge seeing the caller id. 

"Fuck, the devil is calling me", he grunts answering the call.

"What do you need Watanabe?", Junkyu nonchalantly answered

"Care to greet your fiancé a good morning?, well I called you just to inform you about our contract which will be decided later. We can just do it in the council room where we have certain privacy, and I'll pick you up from your home. No protests, I already asked permission from your mother, so you have no choice but to comply. Alright that will be all, I'll see you in a few!", Haruto swiftly ends the call, leaving Junkyu bewildered once more.

"Did he just make such decisions again? shit. This will be a long day again", Junkyu groaned, preparing himself for the worst.

Back at Haruto's residence, the Japanese were happily discussing with his parents and he has yet to explain his current situation with Junkyu.

Haruto was overly joyed, with his grin reaching the skies making his parents wonder why their son was acting oddly. The younger stared at his phone, looking at the messages he exchanged with Junkyu. 

"Haruto, focus on your food. That can wait later", his father called out his attention. Gladly, the younger snapped out from his trance, proceeding to finish his breakfast while his mother clears her throat. 

"Haruto, Arin's parents notified us about the sudden changes from last night's dinner, would you mind telling us what happened?", his mother concernedly clarified, looking at her son.

Haruto shifts himself, taking a deep breath before explaining his abrupt behavior, "The thing is, I kind of disagreed with Arin-ssi being my potential fiancé", he nervously scratches the back of his head. 

"How come?, isn't she your childhood friend, the both of you were close", Haruto's father stated, judging the change of opinion. "Okay, to be frank. Mom, Dad please hear me out first. I am asking for your understanding, I told her that Junkyu was my fiancé which resulted in her being dramatically angry, hence storming off from our dinner", Haruto was technically raping due to his anxiety arising. 

His mother chokes on her food followed by his father spitting out his coffee, both elders exchanged glances, giving their son a surprised expression.

"Does Junkyu's family know about this son?", his mother muttered, Haruto shook his head covering his face out of embarrassment. 

"About that, they don't know. I only decided to tell you, Mom this is the very first time that I am sure of who I like and who I fathom being with in the future. I am sorry for disappointing both of you, I am aware that you badly want a grandchild however in my case, I am in no position to fulfilling your wish, that is unless my partner decides to adopt or find alternative ways regarding that matter. This is who I am", Haruto bowed to his parents, restively awaiting their response.

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