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"(Y/N) Stop watching TV! Come and eat your dinner!" Your mum scolded you but you just ignored her and kept your eyes on the TV.

They were showing All Might on TV, one of his most recent fight scenes.

The way he lifted the car effortlessly and threw it somewhere else. He made hero work look so easy but you knew in reality it was quite tiring.

You never understood why so many people aspired to be heroes, the reward for risking your life for others never seemed worth it to you. Glaring at All Might's face which seemed to never stop smiling had formed into a habit now.

Heroes are honestly such weirdos

"(Y/N)! Stop being lazy and come and eat!"

You sighed heavily. You were nearly five years old now and you hadn't discovered your quirk yet or even any signs of it showing.
Watching heroes use their quirks you thought would trigger your quirk somehow but that didn't seem to be working.

Maybe you were quirkless? Izuku from your class was and everyone always bullied him for it, even his so-called best friend Bakugo. It wasn't like he could control it, in all honesty Izuku was a nice person to be around quirk or no quirk he was still your friend.

Thing is Izuku wanted to become a hero and you didn't, he had the heart of a hero though you think. If only he had the quirk to top it off then he would be perfect.

But here you were with no quirk and definitely not the heart to help others.

Not that it mattered you didn't want to become a hero anyway nor did you want to use it to benefit those in need.

Your eyes scanned around the room looking for the remote so you could turn the TV off and head off to dinner. Finally, you spotted it on the other side of the living room.

You groaned and slumped further on the sofa, why was it so far away? You definitely weren't in any mood to get up and go all the way to get a silly little remote.

If only it would come over to me instead that remote isn't worth my time. Ugh this sucks

And just like that the remote started floating on a small cloud and making its way over to you.

Your eyes widened at the sight and you stood up abruptly.

It was your very own quirk.


"I can't believe you use your quirk in such a silly way" you mum sighed and shook her head in disappointment watching you bring a pack of chips towards you with your clouds as they were apparently 'too far away'.

"I don't see a problem with it, consider it training." You argued finishing the packet and tossing it in the bin using the same method.

Your mum wasn't actually that much older than you, only by about 15 years which made her feel more like the older sister you never had. That's how you treated her anyway.

Your dad on the other hand was a pro hero. Well that's what your mum told you at least. He was rarely at home and you didn't see him much. Heck, he wasn't even in Japan at the moment.

The last time you had seen him had to have been when you were a baby. Not that you minded, you internally thanked him for having some sort of cloud related quirk and making your life much easier.

"Yeah but couldn't you use it I don't know... to help others? Like the heroes do on TV?"

"I don't see you helping out anyone with your quirk, you just use it against me" which made your mum laugh.

Her quirk was that she could read minds, similar to the psychic concept you had but she always used it to out you when you were lying.
It was quite annoying.

"But seriously have you thought about being a hero? I have a feeling you'd make a good one."

"I don't think so... saving people and being heroic doesn't seem like my thing. I prefer just beating people up for fun yknow, without having to protect some stupid damsels in distress that can't fend for themselves"

That silenced her for a little while. Opening the fridge with an outstretched cloud in the shape of an arm and bringing a jug of juice and a glass on the table, you continued speaking.

"Besides it looks like a really hard job, I'd prefer something easier that requires no effort whatsoever. I want a nice easy chill life." You chugged down your juice and threw the glass in the sink before leaving the kitchen to go up to your room. Then out of nowhere your mum spoke up again.

"That... that honestly wasn't the answer I was expecting. I thought you wanted to be hero! All those times you were watching All Might on TV-"

"That was when I was 5, I'm 14 now, plus it was purely just for entertainment."

"Really? I got it all wrong then, sorry."

"Why are you apologising? It's fine-"

"I may or may not have already signed you up for the U.A. Entrance Exam"


"You WHAT?"

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