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The three of you looked at each other perplexed until the whole cafeteria started to run out.

"Woah woah! I haven't finished my food yet can't they wait?" Kaminari complained stuffing his face choking a little.

"I'm sure it's just the reporters form earlier on today, then again I'm surprised they broke in." you said calmly eating your food as normal.

Kirishima looked at the two of you shocked at how chill you were about this situation.

"Guys hello?! What if it's a villain? We gotta go the food can wait!" He grabbed the two of you and ran out to the corridor where everyone else seemed to be heading.


The corridor was absolutely filled with students, they all rushed to the evacuation door pushing and shoving. For such a low acceptance rate the amount of students was huge, maybe it was because of all the other courses.

You had lost sight of Kaminari and Kirishima a while ago and at the moment you were just trying to stay close to the side windows out of everyone's way.

It's just the reporters right? Why are they making such a big fuss out of it?


Did someone call my name?

You looked around trying to find where the voice came from but with the massive number of students you got pushed away. Someone managed bumped into you quite harshly causing you to stumble and lose your balance.

But before you could come in contact with the glass wall, you felt two firm hands from behind against your waist preventing the impact. For some reason one hand was cold and the other warm.

You turned to face the person who had just helped you out and to your surprise it was someone you were already familiar with.


"I guess we're even now." he stated plainly looking down at you, his hands tightening a bit and bringing you in closer as the commotion around you got worse.

Even? What does he mean by that?
I can't believe he's holding my waist right now-

What the hell!? He's your classmate for God's sake! We're not even that close!

Before you knew if, clouds were forming all over your face.

You were too caught up with your own thoughts and the fact that you were practically embracing Todoroki to notice that a very light pink tainted his face.

Suddenly out of nowhere Iida got pushed into the window right beside the two of you, his face smashing against it ruining the moment between you two.

"(L/N)!" he yelled facing you slightly. It was most likely him calling out your name before too. You nodded in response, the noise level too high for him to hear you if you spoke.

"Raise me in the air!" shouted your classmate which you barely managed to hear. You raised an eye brow and gave him a 'what for' look clearly confused which he noticed.

ever again - TODOROKI X READERWhere stories live. Discover now