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"There are five floors and they put the weapon on the second?! Awwww the heroes will find us in no time!" Ashido sulked looking around

You two as villains were given 5 minutes beforehand just to scope out the building and you had realised that they had put the fake weapon not as high up as you wanted.

Walking down from the fifth floor you decided to go brainstorm a plan in the room where the weapon was.

The weapon itself wasn't as heavy as you thought it would be, about 80 kg but you could handle it.

"Our 5 minutes are nearly up the heroes will be here any second now, I'll just move the weapon to one of the floors above." you said narrowing your eyes at the weapon and watching it get teleported away as it sunk into the cloud portal you had created on the ground causing Ashido to clap her hands together.

"Wow (L/N) that's so cool! What else can you do?" Ashido asked excitedly

You lifted her on a cloud in the air and started moving her all around the room making her laugh. The 15 minute timer had actually started a while ago but you two weren't aware and messed around.

"I can make clouds out of air and- hm?" Suddenly you felt a cold chilly breeze below and you looked down to see your feet frozen to the ground. Ashido was fine though, still floating on a cloud.

"Huh where did all this ice come from?" you looking around to see the whole room frozen. You tried to move your feet but they were properly stuck and they were starting to hurt from the cold feeling. You gasped in realitzation of who's quirk this was.

Oh yeah, we're up against Todoroki. I completely forgot


Shoji walked into the building and spread out his arms and formed eyeballs and ears at the tips of them scanning out the building. After he told his partner what he discovered.

"They're both on the second floor, one of them floating off the ground. The weapon is-"

"Go outside it's dangerous." Todoroki interrupted walking in a little further and resting his right hand on the wall.

"Our opponents most likely want to fight a defensive battle" ice rushed across the building heading upwards

"But that doesn't matter to me."


"(L/N)! Are you okay?" You lowered Ashido down onto the icy floor and she rushed over to you. You were lucky that only one of you two had been immobilised.

"Yeah I'm fine I just can't move my feet that's all." you said looking down.

Todoroki really isn't holding back huh...
On top of that he could burn us is he wanted to!

"Do you have a plan?" Ashido asked you concerned about the situation you were in right now. Before you could respond you heard footsteps approaching the room.

"Quick Ashido hide behind that pillar!" you whispered moving her cloud gently in the right direction and waited for the said person to arrive. As expected, someone walked in, that someone being Todoroki.

When he saw that it was only you in the room he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Where's the weapon?" he asked straightforwardly making your mouth go open a bit.

ever again - TODOROKI X READERWhere stories live. Discover now