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Finally, it had been a week since the exam.

And as much as you hated to admit it, you were really excited. You woke up at 6am (which was early for you considering you usually wake up at 11) just to be able to get downstairs incase it has arrived.

You sat on a cloud and let it float you down stairs and made your way to the front door but there were not letter on the floor.

Your mum was still asleep around the time and so no one was there to make breakfast for you. As excited as you were, you weren't bothered to make yourself breakfast so discarding the idea you made your way to the living room and turned the TV on.

It automatically switched to the news channel which you rolled your eyes at floating the remote toward you to change it, reminding you of when you first got your quirk.

"Who watches the news these days? Seriously..." you mumbled but then something the news reporter said piqued your interest stopping you from changing the channel.

"Just an hour ago, All Might saved the day yet again! Or should I say morning?" The news reporter laughed and you scowled at him
"I say you should shut up" you grumbled.

If there was one job you hated more than being a hero, it was news reporting. The news reporters always made shit jokes and were always up in other peoples business. And they get paid for it! How funny.

They channel went onto roll the clip taken earlier of All might stopping a few thugs from harassing an old lady. As usual, they were no match for him but you noticed something different about All Might. Something that you don't recall spotting 10 years ago.

All Might had gotten a bit slower with his movement and his punches. Maybe age was catching up on him? He was also coughing a lot here and there but it was probably just a cold. After all, All Might is still human.

You watched the clip play over a few times looking closely at his unfaltering smile. Doesn't his face hurt? Smiling for that long would be really painful.

Though unlike when you were a kid, you found yourself smiling slightly at him saving people not glaring. Still didn't seem like something you wanted to pursue but it wasn't all that bad.


"(Y/N) I never got an answer on how the exam went? You seem quite elated today which is odd. You even woke up early!" it was 12pm now and your mum was making you some lunch (felt like breakfast tho).

"It was okay, I think I did decent. The results are coming today apparently." you said slurping your noodles in a rush, you kept your thoughts blank not wanting to give anything away.

"You know whatever score you get I'll be happy either way" she said smiling at you causing you to hit her playfully

"You better! I had to go through quite the adventure during the practical." you shake your head remembering when Kaminari vomited. Some of it had gotten onto your shirt when you offered to carry him leaving a nasty stain, even if it was small.

Suddenly losing your appetite you stand up and head to the living room once again. You sat on the couch and opened your phone seeing some new messages from the group chat.

WERE GETTING INTO UA‼️ (hopefully)

🤮 (literally)

cloudy with a chance of (y/n) ☁️

manly man💪
nah i havent got mine yet
the suspense is killing me!

🤮 (literally)
if anyone has the highest chance
of getting in then its kirishima 😭😭

cloudy with a chance of (y/n) ☁️
definitely not you kaminari

🤮 (literally)

manly man💪
thanks man ☺️
im sure you two will be fine

🤮 (literally)
easy for you to say 🙄

Well with all the help you gave Kaminari, if he didn't pass it would feel like you didn't pass. Lucky him getting his result so early.

"(Y/N)! I forgot to tell you I got a letter for you from U.A like an hour ago. Do you want it?" Your mum appeared behind you out of nowhere holding an envelope closed together with a red seal.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" you shouted a little bit louder than you intended

"I thought you didn't care about it. But if your that worked up about it then here" she tossed you the envelope and left the room giving you some privacy to open it yourself.

You picked up the envelope and placed it on the sofa beside you, your hands shaking unconsciously.

Should I open it? What am I saying of course I should open it!

Slowly you removed the seal and opened up the envelope albeit a bit nervous. Inside was a weird little device which you had no idea what it was and a piece of paper.

You set the weird mechanism aside on the table in front of you and proceeded to open the piece paper of paper which was going to decide your future. All of  sudden, a light started emitting from the little device and a hologram sort of thing was shown.

"I am here as a projection!" You looked up in curiosity and your eyes widened as you saw a very familiar face up close.

All Might?! What's he doing here?

"Greetings young (L/N)! I want to congratulate you on your attempt in both the written and practical exam. I must say letting others copy your answers was quite thoughtful of you"

They saw that?

"But, even though you passed the written exam, your villain points towards the end of the practical did start to fall behind. Resulting in a total of 33 villain points, which also means you didn't quite make the cut"


"However! That wasn't all that we scored you on. Rescue points! Towards the end, we also saw you help out your friend who was in need even though you were aware of how much time was left"

That's because I didn't really want to get in-

"(Y/N) (L/N)! 38 Rescue points! In other words... you pass!"


"Welcome young (L/N), to the Hero Academia!"

ever again - TODOROKI X READERDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora