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"Stay back all of you! Those are real villains!"

You and Kaminari looked at each other confused, the supposed 'villains' in the centre didn't seem to be scary just a bit weird and deformed. A bit creepy too.

Despite this Aizawa readied up his scarf.

"'I'll leave the rest to you Thirteen" he said and jumped towards the centre to fight the bad guys head on.

"Everyone follow me!" Thirteen said running away out to the entrance your classmates following behind.

"Wait what? Are we saving people or not, I'm so confused." Kaminari asked running alongside you.

"I have no idea." You said equally confused

As you all ran further, nearly approaching the entrance, the same purple-ish portal appeared from the floor obstructing everyone's path. The portal also had yellow eyes which made it even weirder.

"There is no escape" it said in a deep voice.

It talks too?!

"Nice to meet you, we are the League of Villains. Apologies for letting ourselves in on such short notice but we come with only one goal in mind. To kill All Might, the Symbol of Peace."

League of Villains? What kinda name is that?

Most of your classmates looked up at it in fear, especially Izuku. He stood next to you and was shaking like crazy maybe even pissed his pants.

Kaminari on the other side of you held onto your arm, he seemed to do it a lot when he was nervous.

"Though it seems that he isn't here, was there a change in plan? Not that it matters, I'll just end you all here and now-!"

The portal guy looked as if he was about to ready an attack but Kirishima and Bakugo quickly launched themselves at him.

"Wait boys don't!" Thirteen shouted trying to stop them but it was too late.

A massive explosion occurred and smoke traveled around the group of you making it hard to see anything.

Woah Kirishima got the guts.

Looking at the impact you would think it would've dented the portal guy, even if only a little. But instead it looked unfazed by the attack.

"Oh dear, that was close. Even though you're all students you show a great deal of potential. Either way, my job is to scatter you all across the facility!"

The portal guy started waving its arms (?) around and engulfed the whole group in a massive dome making it now impossible to see.

You no longer felt Kaminari's grip on your arm and you couldn't hear anything due to all the shouting. All you could do right now was close your eyes and hope for the best


"Ow... wait where am I?!" You shouted.

Looking around you could see you were no longer at the entrance of the USJ, in fact you seemed to be in one of the areas that Thirteen had mentioned.

The landslide zone? How'd I get here? I didn't teleport myself accidentally did I?

You sat down a bit longer thinking about it and eventually came to a conclusion that the portal guy had warped you here.

"Well there doesn't seem to be anyone else here. Maybe I'll just-"



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