𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐦

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"We can't pawn this if there's a giant wheat symbol on it," JJ holds up the slab of gold. 

Kie picked up the flamethrower that sat to the side, "It's gonna work."

Pope, Kie, JJ, and Tatum melted down the slabs of gold into one heap, high-fiving at their success.


"Hell of a job melting it down, Dr. Frankenstein," JJ looked behind him at Kie. "Like you could've done better."

"I could have done better. I took a welding class." "You-" "Whoa, whoa. Hey, sh!" John B shushed the two of them. "Chill out, okay?"

"Easy for you to say. You're not the one that has to pawn this piece of shit off. How did I get this job anyway?"

JJ slung his backpack over his shoulder. "Cause you're the best liar," Tatum patted his back.

The shop's bell rang as JJ walked in, "Afternoon, ma'am." "Afternoon." "I see you buy gold," JJ walked up to the cashier.

"That's what the sign say, don't it?" "Well, I sure hope you buy a lot of it, because I'm about to blow your mind."

"I ain't got much mind left to blow, so have at it." "How about them gold apples?" JJ set the gold down on the desk.

The lady chuckled, looking at the blonde boy, "That ain't real." "That ain't real?" "It can't be." "Feel how heavy it is," JJ suggested.

She struggled to pick it up, and JJ smirked. "Let's get some light on that," JJ flipped the switch so she could see it better.

"Spray-painted tungsten." "Spray-painted tungsten? Real? Okay. Why don't you see how, uh, soft it is?"

"You mind?" "No, go for it." She took a mallet and a screw driver, hitting it to make a divet. "Wow. Would you look at that?"

"Hold your horses," the pawnbroker scowled, "We ain't got to the acid test yet."

"Ooh! The acid test!" JJ turned his head to look at Tatum, who just shook her head smiling. "My favorite, guys."

The woman continued to examine it while Tatum watched, waiting for their fortune.

"It looks like somebody tried to melt it down," The lady looked up at JJ, who looked at Tatum. "My mom. She had all this jewelry laying around the house, and she thought it was best to-to melt it down."

"To 'consolidate' it," JJ explained, and Tatum smiled at how good his lie was. "Seven pounds? That's a lot of earrings."

"Okay, to be honest, ma'am, it's really hard to see my mom fall apart with Alzheimer's." "Give me a minute."

"Alzheimer's?" Kie furrowed her brows, looking to Tatum who just shrugged her shoulders. "So, I talked to my boss, and this is what I can do."

"Fifty thousand? You think I walked in here not knowing the spot price? Ma'am, I know for a fact this is worth 140, at least."

"Well, sweetie, you in pawnshop. This ain't Zurich. Do I look Swish to you?" "Ninety, or I walk," JJ offered. "Seventy. Half price..and, um..I don't ask questions about where you got this."

JJ glanced over at John B who held out a pinky, signaling yes. "I'm gonna need that in large denominations, please."

"Well, here's the snag. I don't have that much denominated, not here anyway. I can write you a cashier's check."

"Cash..no, ma'am. I want the cold hard. That's what the sign says. Cash for gold. And that's what I expected. I'm gonna get it in cold hard."

Tatum inhaled, worried about the outcome. Something seemed wrong about this, and not because they were pawning the gold.

𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥, 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟏Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz