Part 20

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If the sounds of leather colliding against wooden bats wasn't loud enough the announcements were. It was one of the first real quidditch matches since Christmas and the air was filled with buzzing excitement.

Since it was starting to near spring they hosted their first actual game, Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw.

The Ravenclaw chaser's are faster but the Gryffindor chasers are bulkier, if they slam into you you're done for. Thankfully they didn't play like the Slytherins who were watching on the sidelines, laughing at the small mistakes.

Like how Ravenclaw's favorite beater was holding his bat at an angle and it made the bludger's curve inwards at whoever is behind him. The Gryffindors never saw it coming and almost always got caught in it.

Many players were hurt but it was always seen as a warning and not a penalty. It drove the other teams crazy.

And Gryffindor's pretty boy seeker was zooming around the arena like normal, except faster and no destination. The crowd held their breath for the moment James catches a glimpse of the snitch and races towards it.

But the moment never came. Nobody even realized the game was over until the announcer pointed out the small blur of gold spinning in the Ravenclaw seekers hands.

" Is that it?!" Severus heard Sirius yell, loud enough for the entire left half of the stadium to hear.

" Are you fucking joking?!" He continued to yell and Severus watched as he approached James who looked tired.

" You were going what? 100 kilometers an hour and you still let him win?!" He asked and James rolled his eyes.

" I didn't let him win."

" I thought you had it covered, i saw it before you did!"

" Then why didn't you say anything?!"

" Because it was right fucking in front of you!" Sirius gestured wildly and James turned at him suddenly.

" Don't curse at me." He pointed and by the way Sirius' nostrils flared was indication enough.

James walked away from him, technically flew away and jumped off his broom by the stands. He took off all his equipment, his goggles had left a red mark above his nose and the scarf that covered his face was all over the place.

" Good game."

" Oh fuck off." James scoffed, regardless of who it was the statement itself just pissed him off.

" Seriously. You guys did well."

" Not well enough." He turned, strapping his goggles on his head to not lose them.

He saw Regulus standing there with his arms crossed and a smile, surprising him. For some reason he thought it would be someone else...

" I mean I could've done better but it was good for an underdog team."

" Underdog?"

Now he was actually offended. He put his hands on his hips and scoffed.

" Like i said, I could've done better." Regulus smirked and James rolled his eyes.

He crossed his arms over his chest and walked closer, already wanting to rip that smug look off his face.

" You know for someone who likes me, you have an awful way of showing it." He tilted his head and whispered, Regulus' face falling.

He was silent as a grin spread on James' face.

" Look pretty boy, if you want to hang out you dont have to send Severus to do your dirty work. It's a bad look." He smiled and pat his shoulder.

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