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Water rushed in the background as Jiraiya faced Fox. He said he would do this, didn't he? So he is a man of his word, but this whole things rubs him the wrong way.

The kid is still as stiff as ever, and that signature aura returned ten fold. Whatever those con artists talked to him about really did a number on him.

"Alright let's get started, shall we, Naruto?" As he thought, the name didn't do much in terms of get his attention. "Take off your arm bands and mask, they'll only get in the way."

Hesitation? That's not something he expected to see from the 'Fox of death', but he can see why. Maybe he isn't as far gone as he thought he might be...

What have they done to the kid? The amount of scars on Naruto's forearms is just ridiculous. And odd as well. The tool used to create the strange markings wasn't a commonly used one, and he only knows of one group that uses it.

Definitely something to inform Kakashi about later.

But, he didn't remove the mask just yet. Jiraiya was is such a state if disbelief at this. He expected Naruto to simply remove what he asked him to without a second thought.

And yet his hands are shaking just reaching for the mask. Whether this is good or bad he'll figure out later. But for now, they really need to get started. So he'll try this instead.

"Come on Fox, we don't want to keep 'Lord Danzo' waiting" and just like that the mask was removed.

Jiraiya would be lying if he didn't admit the guilt he felt just looking at Naruto's pale complexion and the fact that his features were so reminiscent of Kushina's.

"Now, do you know the shadow clone jutsu?" Getting a nod in response, his plan will now be able to work. "Well that's perfect, conjure up some using half of your chakra. You are going to be sparing with yourself to exhaust your reserve"

Without a second thought, Naruto weaved the hand sign. That's more like what Jiraiya expected out of him.

Hundreds of clones were created and in an instant got to fighting. It was messy to say the least.

Naruto himself stayed unarmed and used only taijutsu while his clones used multiple ninjutsu techniques and really didn't hold back.

Fireballs, water dragons, walls of earth erupted from the ground and even lightning struck from above.

Definitely a student of Sarutobi sensei and Danzo, that's for sure–

.....never in his life did he think he would see something like this... not in a million years...


Chirping filled the air and hair stuck up straight as static clinged to it.

Multiple crater like indents marked giant boulders and shadows died down once the chirping did.

Sensei and student were working atop the stones and monitoring them was a certain blond who was hidden away.

Lord Hiruzen ordered him to do this, this time. One thing struck even the anbu as odd though; Lord Hiruzen told him to keep it a secret even from Lord Danzo, which didn't make sense.

If he was to learn any new jutsu, both Lords would give him the order and as such both would know about it.

Even Danzo never did something like this. But Lord Hiruzen has the higher standing command and he can't be refused.

'So that's how you do it'


Nothing like adding onto an already perfected technique that's been around for centuries. And for it to work so effectively against the target without the eyes required to unlock it's true potential.

The kid is terrifyingly brilliant.

His right finger tips holding wind and his left unpredictably sparking with lighting, Naruto got into the stance that shouldn't be known to anyone outside of the Hyuga clan.

"8 trigram 64 palms" the words were muttered under his breath. Clones were destroyed and dissipated into a puff of smoke.

Naruto's movements were fluid and agile, as though he was taught by the elders of the Hyuga clan itself and to say Jiraiya was in awe would be an understatement.

Not Kakashi, Sarutobi sensei, Minato or even Hashirama could have come up with an idea like this.

And that scares him.

He can't even imagine the pain his real victims would be in during this as the electricity screws up the flow of chakra and the wind can damage them on the cellular level.

The battling went of for hours and it wasn't till the late evening that Naruto had finally finished.

Sweat dripped from his face and he actually looked tired from it.

"Finally, let's let you take a break"

"There is no need Lord Jiraiya, I can continue on just fine."

You know, he's about ready to kick this kid in the pants and leave him tied to a tree.

"Sit down. We need to talk" voice turning more stern, Naruto was quick to listen. He really is like a damn dog. "Naruto, have you noticed a second chakra in you?"

Jiraiya got a nod in response. Naruto looked like he was holding back the earge to speak, but his body language said otherwise.

This kid really is a hands-on project. "Well you know something kid? That's what we're after. My job is to teach you how to harness that second chakra. The chakra of the ninetailed fox."

There was nothing from Naruto, like this was the answer he was expecting.

How can someone look that on edge? Jiraiya knows that Naruto wants to put that mask back on and, essentially hide behind it. He can only guess that the blond feels sort of protected behind it‐ no. He feels usefull in it. He must feel that he has a purpose if he wears it.

If that isn't toxic behaviour to drill into the brat. He isn't about to let him continue this unhealthy relationship with the inanimate object.

'Minato, Kushina, I promise that I will look after Naruto for you from this point on' Jiraiya thought as he fully looked into his wards eyes.

They were too mature for his age. He knows that children have died in wars as shinobi and that he would grow up in a world like that anyways. However that doesn't change the way he feels about the abuse brought into a twelve year old.

If he has any say in it, Naruto will change and he will leave behind the foundation.

Now all he has to do is convince the jinchuriki himself.

A/N: end of chapter

This will be the last chapter for a few weeks as I'm going to take a break from Wattpad for a little bit. But I need something from you guys.

Do you guys want chapters that are longer? Or roughly the same lengths I usually do them in? Please comment so that I can accommodate your interests.

And I am pretty sure you're all going to want to torture me once I write the next few chapters.

As usual, correct me on what needs to be and have a good night! Thanks for the 1.44k votes!

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