Too good to be true PT1

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The sound of a door falling caught his attention. Turning his head, he found the stairs and began running as fast as he could.

"This time brother, I won't let you leave"


Kunai in one hand and his other in a fist, he stood still while both avoiding eye contact with the Uchiha and watching the swordsman's moves.

To his own surprise, he cannot recall the name of the blue skinned man but he does recognize his face. He would have to look into it later. He doubts Itachi is simply here to reminisce over old times, no something else has brought him here today and he has an idea about what it is. Lord Uchiha would have surely followed his brother to this town looking for conflict with his relative. If only it could be that simple.

Lord Jirayia would still be out doing who knows what but it is better this way. He cannot get used to relying on others so blindly.

The sword wielded in the blue mans hand felt strange but he doesn't think it is anything of concern. This is to be treated just like any other mission Lord Hiruzen or Lord Danzo would have given him. Quick. Clean.

'And your plan, brat?'

'Pipe down' the first thing the fox has spoken in days and Fox can't say he missed it. He hates the canine's incessant speech some days, as silent as he may seem.

The sleeve's that covered his arms felt restricting, even more so than they do when he is in disguise. Perhaps it is the weight they carry as the fabric is heavier than what he is accustomed to.

Fox began to feel restless and charged the kunai with chakra. Not much of course, but enough that if he should feel the need to attack it will inflict the preferred amount of damage. He would like to avoid a large scale battle if possible as there are far too many witnesses and civilians around.

A large sword covered in wrappings was swung right in front of Fox's face, but he didn't flinch. At least, he doesn't think he did. These day's have frazzled him like crazy and they've left him unable to hold himself in check like he used to.

The end of the wrapping came loose and Fox threw the kunai as to pin it to the wall. He has to watch where he treads now as the abilities of Itachi's blue skinned accomplice are unknown.

Grinning, the man swung his sword back around as if in reverse only this time it was faster. Jumping backwards, Fox removed himself from the line of fire but it was too late. Knuckles scraped, he noticed that he felt a tinge weaker that before. A little bit more tired.

he tall man grinned, resting his sword back over his shoulder. Blood dripped from Fox's knuckles and onto the floor below. So that must be what his sword does.

The man chuckled "Samehada seems to enjoy the taste of your chakra, suppose it's a shame what will happen to you" With his thoughts being confirmed, Fox-

"Itachi!" What a complete fool. Shaking his head, Fox's frustrations boiled as he felt Lord Jiraiya's chakra behind him as well as Lord Uchiha's from the opposite end of the hall. Why must these incompetent ninja always interfere in his affairs? This is his mission, not anyone else's. He must prove his worth to the leaf village otherwise he has no purpose. There is only one issue though, he cannot fight as he would like since there are so many civilians around. Dammit.

The cloaked Uchiha turned around and saw his younger brother who was radiating anger and frustration. Lord Jiraiya stood behind Fox, his presence loomed over him. He wants his mask back now. There are too many people looking at him. His breathing slowly increased its pace. He needs his mask back. Now.

With his mind being preoccupied with the desire for his mask, Fox hadn't noticed that Lord Uchiha brought out his chidori and was charging at Itachi. Snapping back to his senses, he threw another kunai that was aimed dead center for his back. However, the man blocked it with his sword Samehada and it fell to the ground.

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