Usefulness fulfilled pt3

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Their travel took longer than expected and the two were forced to make camp for the evening despite Fox saying that they could continue on till they made it to a town just a few kilometers away.

Fire cracked as embers floated into the air while trees rustled and swayed. Fox sat on a large, flat stone while Lord Jirayia sat on a fallen tree. Fox could do nothing but sit there as Lord Jirayia seemed to study his face. This is why he needs his mask on, no one can read any facial changes that could happen or study his dirty face; no jutsu would ever cover all the horrifying secrets his face held.

Biting the inside of his cheek, Fox considered whether it would be worth the risk to make a request, "Lord Jirayia, please stop that"

The sannin raised a brow and seemed to be amused by the question "And what is it that you would like me to stop doing Naruto?"

His cheeks felt warm and were a blush cheek. Pulling up one of his legs he rested his chin on it and looked away quickly. His stomach feels weird, like back then... he knew that was a mistake, he should have never asked something so stupid. His eyes drifted back over to where Lord Jirayia was sitting and that feeling resonated within his chest now. Zoning out, Fox lifted his other leg and wrapped his arms around his shins. The night was colder than what he had anticipated but nothing bad would come of it. He prefers the cold to the heat; familiar and not entirely foreign in contrast to that smoldering heat that does nothing but leave scars and melt him away to the bones as hollow as he felt in that corner he called home...

Dull blue eyes met dark, black ones that were devoid of fear and something mocking jealousy entered his system. How can one not know fear? Without fear, you cannot respect those who are stronger than you. Ha, what is he without fear? Fox would not be the shinobi he is today without the fear that created the discipline he needed to complete his masters missions.

His attention was snatched from that and instead it turned to a smell flowing through the air that he hadn't known for many years. Reaching for his pouch filled with kunai he stopped as he held the cloth wrapped handle in his palm. What would happen if he didn't react this time? If he respected Lord Jirayia's rank and experience that got him this far in the ninja world. Maybe for once he could allow himself to indulge in this opportunity to rely on someone other then himself. But that seems selfish to leave such a responsibility to a man like him, or is it prideful to think that he alone could handle such a task?

L... Lord Hiruzen gave him tasks as simple as this before, so why does it feel so out of place with this shinobi? What ever he talked with Kakashi about seemed to have changed his attitude as he likes to stick closer to Fox thsn he used to.

Lord Hiruzen's passing has sent him into a whirl of confusion and it's ruined any routine he had in his life. He thrives on routine and some form of control, whether it comes in the form of solo missions or learning new jutsu, he could do what he needed to do when he needed to do it without interference from unwanted people.

It's all unnatural and inconvenient. Why did he have to let the sand shinobi go in the first place? He could have pulled himself together and caught them! Or even use that damn seal he was so keen on placing on Gaara and saved so much time while also saving Lord Hiruzen!

He can't imagine just how disappointed Lord Danzo must be in him... he caused the death of the third of Lord Danzo's comrades and his oldest friend.

Something wet dripped down his face and warmed up a line on his face. This feels wrong to him. True, he cried not long ago, but this one isn't out of confusion or panic or incompetence. This seems to be actual sadness or at least something resembling it.

His brain is to muddled to register everything around him so instead he focuses on the fire and all the aspects of it: the bright flames that glow yellow and red, the logs that burn so intensely that they go inferno. How each ember cracks and sails into the cool air before fading into the night.

His eyelids started to gain some weight and shut for a moment before Fox forced them open. How pathetic that he can fall asleep that easily after sleeping for three days straight not that long ago. It's like he's gorging himself with the amount his body now craves more often.

But... would it really harm anyone if he should sleep? Even just a little bit? No, no that seems a little selfish and wrong. He can't put it into words, but he knows that it feels wrong.

Snapping in and out of his sleep, his body finally won and he drifted asleep. Head resting nicely on his knees, his mind eventually stopped turning and went silent in a good way.

Jirayia chuckled. Walking over, he squatted down and jabbed at his headband covered forehead. Nice, no movement means the kid is out cold. About damn time.

Putting out the fire, he grabbed all their belongings and then picked Naruto up; he should be out for a few hours at least which means that he can make it to that town and force the kid to actually sleep.

Placing Naruto over his shoulder, Jirayia set off down the road with a sense of contentment sitting in his chest. By those few tears that fell from Naruto's eyes, he might be able to change his mindset on this trip.


Waking up, his head had a pulsing sensation sitting in his forehead and it hurt like hell.

Opening his eyes, he sat up and ripped off the sheets– sheets? Looking down, he was lying on a bed with semi clean sheets in a room that was bright and clean as well.

Unlike the hospital, the scent of alcohol wasn't prominent but a window with blue curtains was open. How did he get here? Where was Lord Jirayia? Where was he?

Looking around, his eyes stopped on a piece of paper sitting on the bed next to his own.

Sliding off the bed, he walked over and picked up the piece of paper and read every word. Why would Lord Jirayia order him to stay in this hotel and wait for him to return?

No use in thinking about something so arbitrary though. Folding the paper up and placing it back on the bed he turned around and remade the bedsheets.

Sitting in the middle of the bed, Fox closed his eyes and held his hands together. Closing off his senses to the town he instead tuned in on the perimeter leading up to the entrances. He shouldn't have made it to the town yet since he would have had to make camp last night if he was indeed following Fox.

Now all he can do is wait.

"Hello Fox"

A/N: end of chapter

I know, it's a short chapter but I have a plan for the next one. The next one will take awhile to write as it is going to be incredibly long (this one is only short since I've been busy and feel bad about leaving you all hanging) and by the time December hits I should have everything edited and we will have another chapter out.

Also, I am cross posting this on my backup account due to there being a small probability this account might get delete as there is a rumour going around that Christian accounts are getting deleted for no reason.

Have a goof night!

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