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7:45am Fuck. It's so early. Semi is still sound asleep next to me. He looks so peaceful sleeping. Like an angel. The way his hair lays on his forehead and to the sides. I place my hand on his face, admiring how he looks. My thumb grazes his cheek. He smiles in his sleep. He's so cute. I move my hand to tuck some of his hair behind his ear. As I move closer and give him a quick peck on the lips.

Semi moves closer to me and embraces me in a hug. My heart warms up. He has no idea how much I like this.

"Don't think I didn't know what you were doing princess"

I look up at him and notice how he's looking down at me. A smirk plastered on his face. So he was faking being asleep. Oh my god. I bury my face on his chest and he lets out a laugh.

"It's okay baby, I don't mind"

"How long have you been up" My voice muffled

"Probably since seven, I was just resting my eyes until you woke up"

"Oh- why didn't you go eat breakfast or something to eat?" I look up at him.

Semi is usually the one to wake up early. He gets breakfast and gets ready for the day. Usually leaving me to sleep in.

"I wanted to spend more time with my girl" he smiles down at me.

"Since the tour is over, we should sleep in more. I think we both need it" I have to agree, I'm still tired from last night, dealing with tech rehearsals, being there all day was exhausting enough. In addition to me having to see someone who I never expected to see again, I wish I didn't see him. Someone I hoped I didn't have to deal with for the rest of my life ever again.

Now he's back in my life. Whether I like it or not. I had to deal with this one way or another.


I hear Semi's phone notification go off. It could've been anyone from his band, any producers, his manager, or even social media notifications. He leans over to grab his phone and check whatever he received.

"Hey are you down to go out later today?" He asks me

"I mean, the tour is over so I guess we can. Why?" Maybe he was planning on visiting the city or doing something fun.

"The band wants to go out maybe a bar, grab some drinks, and hang out for a bit, as a celebration of ending the tour"

"Yeah that's fine, what time?" I wanted to sleep in a bit more so I'm hoping it's a lot later in the day.

"They were thinking around seven maybe" That's not bad at all

"Oh great- we can sleep in then right" I look at him almost with pleading eyes

"Yes of course we can, come here" He hugged me tight as we cuddled and fell back asleep again.



"Darling wake up" I feel a gentle blow on my face and groan, not wanting to wake up

"What time is it?" I ask barely opening my eyes

"Four fifty, we have like two hours to get ready"

"Mmh, was there any specific dress code?" I asked not wanting to dress too formal, neither did I want to dress too casual... or too slutty, but honestly there's no outfit too 'slutty' for me to wear

"No, I don't think so. Dress however you like, you look good in anything" If he says so. I guess it's time for me to find something nice to wear.

After almost an hour of looking for something to wear, I found a cute miniskirt, a black top, some black boots, and Semi's black leather jacket he'd usually wear during concerts or tours. I put my hair in a high ponytail with some loose strands of hair sitting to the sides of my face. As I finished, Semi walked out of the bathroom. Damn he looked good.

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