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I woke up to the sun in my face. I was wearing a big shirt along with some shorts that were obviously not mine. I was still wearing my underwear and bra, but I wasn't wearing the same thing last night.

When I sat up, I was in an unfamiliar room. In an unfamiliar bed. There was a wave of the smell of food in the air. I looked around the room. Trying to recognize where I was. Being honest, I had no idea where I was. I decided to stand up from the bed and take a look around the place.

The bed sheets were a warm gray. The room was warm. It was calming. Relaxing. There were some plants on the dresser. It was a simple room. The bed in the middle, pushed to the back wall. The dresser sat in front of the bed, with a mirror built into it. There was a TV attached to the wall. In an angle where it was able to be seen from the bed.

As I got closer to the door. I heard a familiar voice.

"Yeah no, I took care of her, she's fine" I could hear the voice from outside the door.

I stood in front of the door. Taking a few deep breaths. I decided to open the door.

The smell of breakfast hit me hard in the face. I made my way into the kitchen. That's when I saw him. Standing by the stove talking on the phone and cooking. He didn't turn around.

I watched as he took the food from the pan onto the plate. Reaching over to the fridge, grabbing a drink to go along with the food. He turned around holding two plates. One for him and I.

"Here. Eat" He said, putting the plate in front of me. I sat down. Grabbing onto the plate.

"Thank you" I said in a low whisper.

He was in front of me. Eating his breakfast calmly. He didn't take any glances at me. As soon as he finished, he cleaned the dishes and headed towards the living room area.

"I'm... I'm sorry" he said. I was finished with my food. I sat there in silence.

"I'm sorry" He repeated. He was looking at me. Trying to look into my eyes. I was looking at my empty plate.

"It's fine" I said. I was done with everything at this point. I didn't want an argument to burst out. I just wanted to get over this.

"No. It's not fine. It's not okay" He said, stepping closer to me.

"I'm sorry. I truly am. I know my apologies don't really mean anything to you, but I want you to know I mean it. I know in the past it wasn't a genuine apology. I truly am sorry." This time looking into his eyes. I could see it. I could see what I've never seen before in his eyes.



For once I could see regret in his eyes. Something I've never seen before. Somehow it felt different. Like he truly meant it.

"I said it's okay"

"And I said it was not okay" He replied sternly.

"Because I want you to know that I do mean it. I truly do. I'm sorry. I know this may not be the best time to say all this, but I had to tell you"

He was right. It wasn't the best time to be apologizing, but this once it felt like a genuine apology.

"I forgave you a long time ago." I looked up at him.

"Really?" He quickly walked to my side.

"Yes. I forgave you, but didn't forget all you put me through." He let his head hang for a second.

"I know. I know I did a lot of bad things to you. Even if you forgave me, you didn't forget the things I made you go through. I'm sorry. I'll say it as many times as I need to." Looking at him straight in the eye. I opened my arms.

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