Chapter 001

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Chapter 001: The Letters

I don't need to even change the world

I'll make the moon shine just for your view

Dear Techno, Hi!! It's officially been one week at Madam Miller's Academy for the Deaf

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Dear Techno,
Hi!! It's officially been one week at Madam Miller's Academy for the Deaf. I haven't really gotten the time to make any friends yet, but that's okay!
I've sorta forgotten how noisey deaf people can be, of course they don't realize they are though. I hope you're doing well, I wish they wouldn't have confiscated my electronics. Though we do get them back for an hour on saturday's and I watch your videos! I've included a polaroid of the garden here! I hope you like it c:
~Kioshi x

Dearest Techno,
It's been two weeks and i've officially made friends!! There's Silas, he has green hair! They're pretty cool, he plays the drums. Then there's Maeve, she's cool too! She's kinda a trouble maker though, I end up bailing her out of a lot of things! There's a few more people but those two are my closest friends c: How's Floof doing? I miss him :c
p.s I miss you too :c
~Kioshi x

Dear Techs,
Me and Maeve found a stray cat out in the greenhouse!! It's a boy...I think. We've decided to name him King Pickle! Mainly because when we found him all we had on us to feed him
was pickles (˘з˘)
Well he liked them! Maeve has been teasing Silas and calling him booger boy, they have a very complicated friendship..
How's the life of streaming going?
~Kioshi x

Dear Techno,
They have a speech class here and the professor is a licensed speech therapist so i'm gonna be taking that class! I'm so excited! Hopefully my dad doesn't find out though. Mr.Saito told me you've been feeding the fish in the pond since my absence, thank you! Why didn't you write to me and tell me you were doing that before though?! I would've thanked you earlier!
~Kioshi x

Dear Tech,
Soo it turns out King Pickle is actually a girl!! She's been trying to follow me and Maeve around campus to our classes so it's been extra hard keeping her hidden!
Halloween is very soon and i'm so excited yet sad I won't be with you :c But maybe they'll let us go home for Thanksgiving! I mean they have to right? Anyways how are your sisters doing?
You told me in your last letter you've been seeing the more often recently and I was wondering if that's still happening c: When I get back, I wish to meet them!
~Kioshi x

Dear Techs,
Happy Halloween!! Well Technically I'm writing this November 1st and you'll be receiving it in a few days... anyways! I hope you had a good Halloween! A lot of people didn't find my costume spooky but I know you would've.... I went as a frog!! We had a party and I have to admit, for a school party it was pretty fun. Pickles got into Silas' candy!!! But she's okay so no worries c: Did you dress up for Halloween?
~ Kioshi x

Dearest Tech,
Well, I have bad news. For thanksgiving the parents come here, for the day to spend time with their children. So, I won't be home for thanksgiving :c But on the brightside me and Maeve have a plan, we're gonna try to set up my dad with her dad!! Like the move "Parent Trap"!! Have you seen it? Maybe once Dad has a new love in his life he'll be less.... him. Anyways, hopefully i'll see you at christmas!
~Kioshi x

Dear Kioshi,
I love you

"No no that's way too forward" Techno said, balling the paper up and throwing it in the trash.

Dearest Kioshi,
things that fall:
the sun
and I,
for you

"God that's so cheesy" Techno said, crumbling the paper and throwing it in the trash with the other.

Dear Kioshi,
Come back, I mis

"What is wrong with me?" he askes no one in particular. Crumbling the paper he threw it in the trash.

Techno layed his head in his hands. Through the spaces in his fingers he could see the polaroids Kioshi had sent hanging on his wall.

There was the one of the garden, the one Kioshi took with Silas and Maeve, the one of Kioshi in her frog costume, and more.

Techno smiled, the polaroid camera was definitely a good idea.

Meet the new characters!

21 years old
sexuality unknown
Looks: dark skin tone, brown eyes, pink dreads

20 years old
Looks: light skin tone, hazel eyes, green hair

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