Chapter 015

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Chapter 015: The Proper Course to Pursue pt2

"Hey Tommy," Karl said running up to the boy who turned and pointed the camera at him. "Run up to those three girls and ask them to judge a sand castle building contest" Karl said.

"What why?" Tommy asked.

"Because we need an unbiased opinion!" Karl said, pushing the boy in the direction of the girls.

Tommy groaned the walked toward the girls. The tallest one looked to be 5'8 or 5'9, with brown hair that was in waves, contrasting her pale skin, and was wearing a sweater and black jeans. The next tallest was two or three inches shorter than the other, and she had brown hair with two blue streaks framing her face, a blue hoodie with a white skirt, and tall black socks. The shortest was 5'0, she had straight blonde hair and was wearing an oversized sweatshirt with black leggings. Tommy walked up to the girls who stopped what they were doing and watched him curiously.

"Heyyy.. girls" Tommy began awkwardly, "Would you mind maybe judging a sand castle building contest?" He asked somehow even more awkwardly than he began.

"Uh.. sure, that sounds okay with me" The one with blue in her hair said and the other two shrugged in agreement.

"Really?" Tommy asked, surprised "Okay! Follow me!" He said running back to the group."Hey guys! They said yes!"

Once they reached the group and Tommy got, mostly, everyone's attention, he gestured to the girls. "This is uh" He started introducing them but trailed off once he realized he didn't know their names.

"You didn't even get their names, Tommy?" Wilbur scolded and Tommy laughed awkwardly.

"I'm Beanie" The tallest said, introducing themselves.

"I'm Dance" The blue-haired one said, smiling.

"And I'm Rose" The shortest said, giving a small wave.

"Right right anyways on a scale of one to ten rate these two castles, and choose carefully" Tommy rushed, gesturing to Techno and Kioshi's castle and Ranboo and Tubbo's.

The three first went to Ranboo and Tubbo's, which actually wasn't a castle but rather a sand snowman that was slumping over.

"Uh, we didn't have any buckets to make a castle so we improvised." Ranboo explained.

"5?" Beanie said, shrugging.

"I say 7, not a castle but at least he's cute." Dance said gesturing towards the sandman.

"10 out of 10 best sand castle ever" Rose praised and Ranboo and Tubbo cheered.

"So 22/30 is the final score" Wilbur said, nodding.

"Haha! Beat that!" Tubbo mocked.

The three then headed over to Techno and Kioshi's sand castle which was actually just a really deep trench surrounding a small pile of sand. Kioshi waved her hands in a "Ta~Da!" way to show off their "castle".

"2" Beanie began off the bat.

"I tried my best" Kioshi said, feigning hurt.

"I think it's amazing" Dance praised, shocking Kioshi.

"You know sign language?" Kioshi asked, surprised.

Dance nodded and smiled. "I give it a 10" she said, and Kioshi cheered.

"You still need at least a ten to even tie with us!" Ranboo said and everybody turned to look at Rose, who immediately looked uncomfortable at all the sudden attention.

"I give it a..." Rose hesitated, looking between everyone "11?"

Everyone paused and Tommy turned to the camera towards Wilbur, Quackity, and Karl.

"Can she do that?" Quackity asked, failing at trying to not break character and laugh.

"I say she can" Karl said

"No no, it was stated clearly for numbers between 1 and 10." Wilbur said, immediately putting on a character bit for the vlog. He then turned away from the "meeting" to face everyone.

"It has been decided that an 11 can not be chosen as a vote and therefore bringing the vote down to 10 and evening the score at 22/30 and 22/30." Wilbur declared and Tubbo and Ranboo cheered, high-fiving each other.

"I think the judges should decide what evens the vote!" Quackity said and Tommy turned the camera back to the girls.

"We need a moment, to decide" Beanie said, trying their best to put on a serious act but letting a little laughter slip out.

They all three turned around and huddled together, whispering and nodding. After a minute they turned back and cleared their throats.

"We have decided" Rose announced.

"The tie-breaker will be, whichever team can find our two friends that will be arriving to the beach shortly first will win." Dance said.

"Do we get to know what they look like?" Tubbo asked

"Nope" Rose said with a mischievous smile.

"Oh she's evil, I like her" Wilbur said approvingly.

"What about their names?" Tubbo asked.

"Their names are Melina and Flowers." Beanie replied.

"When do we start?" Kioshi asked.

"Now" Dance said and the two teams dispersed, Tubbo and Ranboo forming the tactic of running up to random people, no matter the size of the group, age, or gender, and asking for their names.

Kioshi and Techno formed a more tactical plan of waiting for two teenagers to show up and look like they were looking for someone.

Despite Techno and Kioshi having the most tactical plan five minutes later Tubbo and Ranboo came back pulling two teenagers, Ranboo pulling one with hair that could either be mistaken for light brown or dirty blonde hair that fell in waves just above her shoulder, looked to be around 5'5, and was wearing a hoodie with sweatpants, and Tubbo pulling one that was 5'7, dark brown curly hair tied into a messy ponytail, a sweater with a white collared shirt underneath and black pants.

"We found them!" Tubbo shouted as they ran towards the group.

"Please tell me those are actually your friends and not random people they picked up," Wilbur said the girls confirmed those were their friends.

Once they got closer and the two friends saw the three girls, relief washed over their faces.

"Oh thank god I thought we were gonna be kidnapped," The dark brown-haired one said.

"These are our friends, Melina" Beanie began, gesturing towards the light-haired one "And Flowers" she ended, gesturing to the dark-haired one.

"So we won?" Ranboo asked, looking between the girls and Wilbur expectantly.

Rose nodded and Ranboo and Tubbo celebrated. The five girls decided to hang around the group a bit more, getting to know each other more and creating chaos.

OC's that were introduced this chapter!!

Dance (she/her) DanceQueen14

Rose (she/her) wilbyfoot_

Beanie (all pronouns but mainly she/her) randompotato843

Melina (she/her) blueberry978

Flowers (they/she) me :]

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