Chapter 002

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Chapter 002: Scheming

"In her most recent letter she said she'll be back for christmas" Techno said, voice filled with anticipation and hope

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"In her most recent letter she said she'll be back for christmas" Techno said, voice filled with anticipation and hope.

"Oh thats good Techno! Christmas is only three weeks away!" Niki exclaimed

"So should we start planning the party now?" Wilbur asked

"Oh yea we can!!" Tubbo exclaimed

"Wait are we having it there in America?" Tommy asked

"That's a lot of people to fly out, me, Wilbur, Tubbo, Tommy, Niki, George.." Philza said

"I know but I don't think her dad will let her fly there again." Techno said

"It'll be okay, I'll handle the flying arrangements" Wilbur said

"Oh! We should surprise her!! Like don't let her know we're here!!" Niki exclaimed

"That's a good idea!!" Tubbo exclaimed. "We could get the like confetti cannons and blow horns and jump out at her!!"

"Tubbo are you trying to give her a heart attack?" Ranboo asked kinda jokingly.

"No! I just wanna scare her!" Tubbo exclaimed.

"Its a good idea Tubbo we'll use it." Philza said.

"Are you excited Techno?" Niki asked

"Yea..." Techno admitted softly, feeling his heart beat faster in his chest.

At Madam Miller's Academy for the Deaf...

"Are you excited to see your boyfriend~" Maeve teased, laughing when a blush formed on Kioshi's face.

"Not my boyfriend! Just my bestfriend" Kioshi said trying to ignore the heat in her face as she smoothed out her uniform.

"Oh Techno it is so solemnly sorrow without you! You may have a strange name but if we called a rose by any other name would smell as sweet!" Silas mocked, fluttering his eyelashes and puckering his lips.

"His name isn't strange!" Kioshi defended lightly pushing Silas away

"Did you just quote Romeo and Juliet booger boy?" Maeve asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"I read sometimes, dont act so surprised." Silas said, rolling his eyes

"It's almost time for lunch, lets hurry so that we can go to the library, I want to write to Techno to tell him i'll definitely be home for Christmas!" Kioshi said bouncing in her spot.

"Well thats no surprise" Silas teased.

"Alright lets go before lover girl implodes" Maeve said earning a joking glare from Kioshi. Maeve laughed "you know we're only teasing, its actually sickeningly cute to see you all in love" 

"Speak for yourself! But let me know if he hurts you, I can take him" Silas piped in

Kioshi laughed "Thank you Silas but he won't hurt me"

"So we know Kioshi's going to her boyfriend for christmas" Maeve started, ignoring the protests from Kioshi "What are you doing Silas?"

"Why? You wanna-" Silas started before getting cut off by Maeve

"Nope nope nope, forget I asked." Maeve said while Kioshi laughed at the interaction.

"You know Silas for an asexual you make a lot of suggestive jokes" Kioshi pointed out.

"They're hilarious" Silas said with a grin and shrugged.

"You have to maturity of an eight year old" Maeve groaned, placing her head in her hands, her pink dreads falling around her like a curtain.

"Okay okay let's go guys we're not gonna have enough time!!!" Kioshi said grabbing their hands and dragging them with her to the cafe.

When they reached the cafe they separated temporarily to go fix their plates before rejoining at their usual table.

"So Kioshi" Silas started after taking a bite of his sandwich "do you think Techno is finally gonna ask to court one when you see him over Christmas break?"

Kioshi choked on her food and Maeve reached over to pat her back.

"What? I mean, I don't know..." Kioshi said poking her fork at her pasta.

"Maybe you should be to one to ask, maybe he's scared." Maeve suggested, the bread roll in her hand waving as she signed.

"Thats... actually not a bad idea. But i'd have to wait." Kioshi said sighing.

"What? Why?" Silas asked.

"My speech still isn't good enough" Kioshi admitted, a bit embarrassed.

"So? He knows sign language doesn't he?" Maeve asked.

"Yes but I would want him to be able to hear me, it's important that I actually say important things like that" Kioshi said.

"I don't really understand, but if its important to you then I support it" Maeve said.

"Thank you Maeve" Kioshi said smiling at her friend.

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