Chapter 005

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The winter dance was only days away. The day after the winter dance was when everyone went home for Christmas break. Kioshi would finally be able to see Techno again. To say she was excited would be an understatement. Right now Kioshi, Maeve, and Silas were out dress/suit shopping.

"I still can't believe that suit didn't fit" Silas grumbled.

"You got in when you were 10 for your cousin's wedding, what did you expect?" Maeve said rolling her eyes and Kioshi giggled.

"Well I'm just hoping I can find a good enough suit, I'm thinking forest green," Silas said.

"I think I wanna get a deep red suit," Maeve said making her way to the suit section with Silas. "What about you Kioshi?" Maeve asked looking at the girl who was going through the dresses in the rack next to the suits.

"I'm looking for a pink dress," Kioshi replied

"What is with you and pink? It's not even your favorite color, purple is." Silas said earning a kick from Maeve.

"It may not be my favorite color but it's my favorite person," Kioshi said trying to ignore the blush on her cheeks.

"That was the dumbest thing you've ever said," Silas said earning another kick from Maeve, leaving him clutching his leg and rolling on the floor.

"It was a little cheesy but cute" Maeve said smiling at Kioshi.

"What are you doing?" Asahi asked Silas as he approached the three.

"The real question is what are you doing?" Maeve said glowering at Asahi.

"In case you're forgetting, the idiot on the ground is my date." Asahi scoffed.

"Hey, only I can call him an idiot," Maeve said still glaring.

Silas rolled his eyes "glad to know I have such great friends who have my back"

Asahi smiled a bit at Silas' sarcastic comment but it left as fast as it came. Kioshi held up a bubble gum pink dress in front of her and Maeve and Asahi grimaced and shook their heads. Silas got off of the ground.

"If you wanna match I hope you're okay with wearing green" Silas said, looking at Asahi.

"Of course I am, I look good in any color." Asahi said brushing back his black hair.

"Oh really?" Silas challenged grabbing the bubble gum pink dress Kioshi had, holding it in front of Asahi "would you look good in this?" He said with a wide smirk while Asahi held an unamused look on his face.

"I said any color, not anything," Asahi said as he lightly pushed the pink dress away.

"Okay fine, I pick any color suit and you try it on," Silas said, smirking.

"Fine." Asahi said sticking his hand out for Silas to shake, but instead Silas grabbed it and started dragging him around the shop.

"Look at those idiots," Maeve said watching the two boys.

"You wouldn't think it but they're a good match," Kioshi commented grabbing a pink dress and holding it in front of her. Maeve shook her head at the dress and Kioshi put it back.

"I hate to agree with you but I think you're right. Also, you're doing this wrong, you don't need the brightest pink you can find, a pale pink would compliment you much better." She said looking through the rack to find a pale pink dress.

Finding one she pulled it out, it was pale pink with white sparkles in a firey design at the bottom hem. Kioshi grabbed it and walked over to the dressing rooms where Silas and Asahi were. Asahi came out of the dressing room in a cheetah print suit, a highly unamused look plastered on his face. Kioshi held back a laugh, and Silas held back nothing as he doubled over in laughter. Asahi smiled a bit at Silas' laugh, rolling his eyes.

"Nobody can pull off cheetah print but I'm the closest you'll ever get." Asahi said placing his hands on his hips. Silas laughed more at his comment.

"Strike a pose!" Silas said excitedly and Asahi rolled his eyes before throwing his hand up and striking a pose, Silas laughed and waved his hands in applause. (Deaf people do not clap, instead, they shake their hands).

Maeve walked over, red suit in hand as she waited for Kioshi to come out of the dressing room. A few minutes later Kioshi stepped out, wearing the dress Maeve had picked out.

"Kioshi! You look so good!" Maeve said running up to the girl and admiring her.

"I like the... little shiny things," Silas said with a bright smile, attempting to complement his friend.

"You look hot for once," Asahi said with a smug look. A slight pain hit Silas at the comment as his smile fell slightly but he ignored it.

"Grow up Asahi," Maeve said before turning back to Kioshi "Do you like it, because if so this is definitely the one!"

Kioshi smiled brightly and nodded eagerly.

The four headed to the checkout after Maeve confirmed her suit fit and Silas picked out a dark forest green suit.

"Will this be all?" The lady at the counter asked.

Kioshi nodded and cleared her throat a bit "Yes, all." She confirmed.

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