Chapter 010

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Chapter 010: Answering Eternity

Content warning: Homophobia

Kioshi and Asahi unpacked all of their books out of their school bags and started replacing them with outfits. Kioshi's a white off-the-shoulder top with a pink skirt, stockings, and white flats, Asahi's a pair of black dress pants and a button-up forest green shirt. They got dressed in casual comfy outfits, trying to look as though they were just going to study.

"Okay, so Mr.Saito will drive us down to Techno's house, I'll get out and get in Techno's car, and Mr.Saito will drive you to where ever the thing is. Maeve and Silas should already be there and Techno and I will arrive shortly after, he said he wants to stop by somewhere but it shouldn't take long" Kioshi explained as Asahi nodded along.

"You think we can fool our dads?" Asahi asked.

"Oh for sure. They think they're so smart but all of their rules have only taught us how to be sneakier." Kioshi replied confidently.

"I've sorta missed us scheming like this." Asahi admitted sheepishly and Kioshi gave him a big smile.

"Me too, we'll have to do it more often since we'll be seeing each other more," Kioshi said and Asahi gave a small smile to her. "I have a question, and it's been on my mind a lot recently." Kioshi started, Asah giving her a nod to continue on, "You said your dad is homophobic, but he's been friends with my dad and was friends with my papa for a really long time, he doesn't seem like, disgusted by them"

"That wasn't a question but I get what you're getting at. My dad always said your fathers were "the only good ones" and that he could tolerate them because they "didn't pretend they were girls". He has always warned me to never be influenced by them because he didn't want his son to be a disappointment." Asahi explained. After he got done Kioshi wrapped him into a quick hug, shocking him a little as he stumbled a bit but didn't push away.

"We are a mess" Asahi half-jokingly commented after Kioshi pulled away.

"We look a mess too" Kioshi added with a smile and Asahi scoffed.

"Speak for yourself I always look amazing." He said and Kioshi laughed.

"Let's take a picture," Kioshi said grabbing her polaroid camera and turning it to face the two. Just then their dads had walked in.

"Mr.Saito is ready for you tw- oh!" Taro cut himself off after seeing the scene in front of him.

"Oh let us get that for you!" Masao said grabbing the camera from Kioshi much to her dismay and aiming it at the two. Kioshi and Asahi awkwardly stood next to each other, small obviously fake smiles on their face.

"Oh don't be all awkward put your arms around each other or something!" Taro said and the two awkwardly wrapped an arm around the other.

"Perfect!" Masao said as he snapped the picture and placed it on Kioshi's desk, handing the camera back to Kioshi. "You should take more pictures of your study meet!" he said and Kioshi just gave a polite smile and put the camera in her bag.

"Alright, you two go on Mr.Saito is waiting for you." Taro said and Asahi and Kioshi quickly grabbed their bags and walked down the stair and out the door to Mr.Saito's car.

As soon as they got in the car they both exhaled and gave each other a knowing look. No more words were exchanged as Mr.Saito drove to Techno's house, dropping Kioshi off who gave a smile and wave before running up to Techno's door and knocking. Mr.Saito drove away as Techno opened the door, smiling when he saw Kioshi.

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