Chapter 017

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Chapter 017: Storms Colliding

Once the movie ended all four agreed they weren't tired so they decided to put on another movie, however once halfway through the movie a storm quickly brewed and took out the power, along with the wifi. Kioshi lit some candles and grabbed miniature flashlights and they all sat around and thought for a few seconds, trying to figure out what to do.

"We could play some games" Kioshi suggested.

"Like what?" Silas asked and Kioshi went to respond before noticing something being thrown at her window through the rain. She shrugged it off at first, figuring the winds picked something up but then she saw it again. By now the other three noticed her staring at her window.

She walked over and opened the window, rain crashing down on her as she looked down. On the ground, she saw a soaked Techno. She gasped and ran away from her window, Maeve closing it after her as she hurried down the stairs and to the front door. When she opened the door she saw Techno standing just off her porch. Kioshi quickly ushered Techno inside, going to grab his hand and pull him in.

"I wanted to make sure you were alright" Techno explained, his hair soaked and dripping down.

Kioshi smiled at him and shook her head "You're mad Techno" She said, pulling him again but this time upstairs. She grabbed a towel from her bathroom and handed it to him before guiding him to her bedroom. "Stay here I'm gonna go get you some spare clothes from the attic," She told him before walking off.

Techno turned to look at the three others, Maeve who looked at him curiously, Silas who greeted him with a smile and wave, and Asahi who looked at him in disgust. Techno gave a small wave before averting his eyes to different things around Kioshi's room.

After a few awkward seconds, Techno heard thumping from the hallway. He figured this would be the perfect excuse to get away from the situation as he excused himself and went in search of the noise.

Upon further inspection he found Kioshi standing on the ladder to the attic and attempting at grabbing a box.

"Hang on," Techno said, walking over and placing one hand on her back to steady her. He held out his other hand and Kioshi handed the box to him. Removing his hand from her back he offered it to her and guided her down the steps. Once Kioshi was on the ground he handed the box back to her.

"Thank you" Kioshi said softly, offering him a small smile.

Techno's breath hitched upon hearing her voice and he scanned over her face, his eyes stopping on her lips as he cupped her face and softly kissed her.

When they pulled away Kioshi's face was bright pink. Techno chuckled a bit at the sight and she shook her head a little and redirected her attention to the box. She pulled out a shirt and a pair of sweats, handing them to the boy.

"You can change in the bathroom, and hang your clothes on the shower ill dry them later." Kioshi informed giving Techno a smile who nodded and went off.

When Kioshi entered her room she was greeted by Maeve holding something over Asahi's head. It looked to be Asahi's phone.

"Give it back" Asahi demanded, trying to reach Maeve's hand but wasn't quite tall enough. Maeve shook her head no with a huge smile on her face.

"What's going on?" Kioshi asked while she sat down on her bed, mainly to Silas.

"Asahi called Maeve short" Silas explained and Kioshi raised her eyebrows, finding to situation humorous.

Just then Techno came back into the room, clothed in dry clothes and hair now damp instead of soaked. Kioshi smiled at him, patted the space beside her and he walked over and sat next to her.

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