Chapter 013

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Chapter 013: Eumoirous

Kioshi weaved her way through the crowd of people in search of the last person she needed to greet; Badboyhalo. She looked around, searching in the rooms.

"Hey, Kioshi!" George called walking up to the girl.

"Hi!" She said happily, waving at George.

"A few of us were thinking we'd go down to the beach one of these days and we were wondering if you and Techno would come?" George asked and Kioshi thought

"In December?" Kioshi asked with a curious smile

"Well not to swim, just to walk around, maybe build sandcastles, that kind of thing" George replied and Kioshi thought a bit.

"I'll try to make it!" She replied.

"Let's go!!" George exclaimed jumping up and down and Kioshi did the same, laughing softly.

"What are we jumpin' for?" Techno asked from behind Kioshi, scaring her.

George laughed at Kioshi as Techno apologized with a smile.

"Kioshi is gonna try to come with us to the beach!" George exclaimed, "You should come to!" He offered.

"Alright" Techno said casually. "Kioshi could you come with me for a second?" He asked, turning to the girl.

"I'll catch up with you guys later to talk about the details, bye!" George said before running off.

"Where are we going?" Kioshi asked with a smile and Techno just smiled at her and held out his hand.

Kioshi looked down at his hand, a funny feeling bubbling up in her heart as she slowly placed her hand in his. Techno began walking, Kioshi trailing behind, lost in thought. Her mind raced as she wondered what he could be planning, she felt herself losing her breath from anxiety and hope. It was a weird mixture of feelings.

He guided her out to a balcony that overlooked the backyard of the house. He sat down on the metal loveseat that was placed on it, Kioshi sitting beside him, shivering slightly from the cold and her lack of sleeves. Techno handed the girl his sweater which she accepted gratefully, sliding it over her, swallowing her from the size of it.

The wind spoke softly, brushing across any exposed skin and raising goosebumps. The faint sounds of cars occasionally driving through could be heard. Techno took a deep breath, exhaling and momentarily creating a small cloud from the contrast in temperature.

"Kioshi..." He began, his hands fidgeting as he tried to muster any courage he could, "I need to tell you something"

Kioshi took a sharp inhale, and her mind blanked as she courtly nodded, urging him to continue.

"I'm not good with feelings, they're complicated and, hard. So, I'll be blunt." He said and Kioshi watched him carefully, wondering if he was gonna say that he didn't like her anymore. Wondering if maybe his feelings had changed from their time apart.

"I don't want to spend another second without fully committed to you. I like you even more than before and I don't think my feelings are slowing down, or are going to anytime soon. I know you have to leave again in a few weeks, but I'll wait for you. Let me show you that I'm committed to you, please."

Kioshi stared at him wide-eyed, mouth stammering as she tried to figure out what to say. "Techno..." she began softly, looking into his hopeful eyes.

"You don't need to say much, I just need to know if you feel the same way" He said, his voice filled with hope and promise.

"I do" She confirmed, her voice soft and wavering as tears swelled in her eyes.

"You do?" He asked, shocked and happiness showing in his voice. She nodded and Techno felt his chest swell with excitement as his mouth broke out into an uncontrollable smile. Acting on an impulse he cupped her cheek and kissed her passionately yet softly, their lips colliding in a sweet touch.

They both felt sparks and electricity course through them as the kiss continued, neither one of them wanting to break away for fear that it'd somehow be the last time they touched.



Two voices shouted at the same time, scaring Kioshi and Techno as they jumped away from each other, looking towards where the sound came from and finding a panicked-looking Wilbur and Niki in the doorway, whose panic changed into a different kind when they realized what they interrupted.

"Oh don't stop actually!" Wilbur said as Niki apologized profusely, pushing Wilbur back in and following as well.

Kioshi and Techno turned to look at each other, faces beat red with embarrassment mixed with a loss of breath from the prolonged kiss.

After a moment Kioshi fell into a fit of soft laughter and Techno chuckled.

"That's definitely a core memory now" Techno joked and Kioshi laughed more.

"Well I think everyone who rented the house is probably tired and wants to sleep soon so I think we should go," Techno said, standing up and offering a hand to Kioshi, which she accepted. "So me, you, and Asahi can go back to my house until Mr.Saito picks you guys up?" He asked and Kioshi nodded as they made their way back inside, going to find Asahi.

Once they found him and said their goodbyes they got into Techno's car and headed to his house. Asahi fell asleep in the backseat while Kioshi and Techno listened to songs on the radio. It was a peaceful ride back, tiredness luring over all of them. It wasn't too much longer when they reached Techno's house, Kioshi shaking Asahi awake. When they got inside Asahi fell back asleep on Techno's couch, Floof cuddled at his feet and Kioshi went to go change into the clothes she had on before.

Once Kioshi was done she went and found Techno in his bedroom, sitting on his bed and reading. Kioshi handed him his folded sweater and laid beside him, laying her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm over hers.

As much as they both wished they could say that's how the night ended, it's not. Mr.Saito picked Kioshi and Asahi up, taking them both back to Kioshi's house where Kioshi tried to fall asleep, her mind filled with Techno, and Techno doing the same, eventually deciding he couldn't sleep so he streamed instead.

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